Chaper seven

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          Ms. Viri Castro made the edits at the top of the page all credit goes to her!! But she was nice enough to let me use them if I gave her the credit!

Day two of school
Percy pov
    I woke up first today. So I got the bacon and it was so good! I got ready and was done 10 mins before Stiles was coming to pick us up. You see Scotts bike broke and I don't have a car. I mean come on I am from New York! We don't need cars that much. Soon Scott comes down the stairs sluggishly. "Good morning Sunshine" I call. He only grunts in reply. I smile in to my hand at how he has to take the cold shower this morning.
*Beep* *Beep* "Stiles is here" I yell up the stairs. He comes running down much like I did yesterday. We jump in and we on our way.
I look down at my schedule again and sigh. Today is going to be a long day!
1 History
2 English
3 Eco
4 marine biology
5 PE
6 Free period
7 Math
8 Foreign language
Lucky for me we are learning Greek mythology in history which goes fast. And I happen to be good at.
Next up English. I can't even read English half the time and now I have to read it, write it, and love it as the teacher says! Yay!! The Slut Cassidy sat behind me and just had to play with my hair after I told her not to. Finally the bell rang and off to Eco with coach.
All he did was yelling for about an hour. I don't even know what he was yelling about. Something about Greenberg, money, and how we are all failed at life and we are only 17 and 18 years old. Wow that guys got a pair of lungs! *Ring* We all sprinted out the door to freedom! Next!
Marine biology is awesome all we do is talk about things in my fathers domain and it is awesome. I am the best at the class so far and it's fun. The teacher is nice, no bullies, no yelling, and I am interested in it! Okay I may just make it threw this year.
On the way I ran in Scott and Stiles. We end up on the same team for dodgeball which is sweet and Cassidy got on the other team which is another plus. I pretty much hang back and don't draw attention to myself. It's hard because I want so win and show them I am not going to be a pushover. I made a promise not to do anything rash like that though because it may draw monsters. I have been lucky not monster attacks but it has been months so something is up. My team wins at dodgeball which is nice.
Lunch is just ugh. It's as if Hades himself is trying to get a good laugh. The Slut had to come over and sit on my lap. "What the Hades do you think you are doing? Get Off!" I yell and stand up.  Pushing her off.
"I just wanted to welcome you better than these freaks are doing Sweetheart" she says batting her eyelashes.
"Well, no thank you because I got better people to be around than you and just yuck! Okay, get lost!" I said thinking of what my Wisegirl would do to her for that if she was here. I smile to myself that girl would be dead by now.
"Suit your self but there will be hell to pay for this Jackson" she says before walking away on her to high, high heels. Stiles puts his hand up in the motion for a high five. I can leave him hanging so I give him one before fine then my famous loop sided grin. They're laughter fills the area around us and makes me smile remembering my friends. But all to soon the bell rings and we are off to class. I just hang out and doodle in my free period but next is hell or I mean math. You thought that dyslexia was bad with English well think again because it is five times worst with math. I try in math but the teacher loses me ten minutes in the class.
Okay so I know Latin, English, some French from lessons with Piper and of course Greek. As it turns out I am good at learning languages so now I am taking Spanish and am continuing French. I happen to like learning them and it seems to be easier with dyslexia to read any language but English.
After school I asked Stiles for a ride in town. I have saved up my money and am getting a tattoo that says Wisegirl across my chest by my heart and across my back one that reads For all those lost, forgotten, and unknown in war forever in our hearts, our futures, and our memories. Never really forgotten, lost, or unknown. When I got to the tattoo shop I see to girls one getting two tattoos on her wrists with a shirt that read fantastic failurez and on the back it said DreamKiller. The other girl was getting a tattoo on her wrists that said Stronger and I couldn't see what else she was getting but her shirt also said fantastic failurez on the back it said Unknown Killjoy. The both seemed happy and were singing a sad song about being the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned. It made me think of my friends and how they were like that. They would say I am like that to, but I don't see how all I do is screw up like with my bloody nose with the fight with Grea.
After I got tattooed up I head back to the house and went went to sleep, but peaceful it was not. My time in Tartarus came back in painful burst and the war. But this time we don't win and everyone dies. I hear screaming and look around to see how it is only to find its me. Annabeth had a Spear in her heart, Grover is in pieces, Jason drowned in his own blood, Piper was strangled by big meaty looking hands you can still see the red marks, Leo has his head in one place and his body in another, Frank as arrows covering his body laying over Hazel, oh Hazel is drowned in  jewels caused by Grea herself. So many others died in inhuman ways. I hear Grea laughing in the background "You failed little hero, everyone is died that you ever cared about. Look over little hero" I loom over and I see Nico, Will, and Thalia hanging from a lone tree. Each had to have painful deaths that I could only dream of. "Weak little hero, broken little hero, Sad little hero is going to die" I hear her whisper before I  awake covered in sweat. I look over at the letter Annabeth gave me for our anniversary it reads...
Dear Seaweed Brain
    I miss you so much and could never want to live without you. I would never see the sea the same way or blue food. I am prideful and you are loyal to the end. We both have been to hell and back fought two wars and more, but yet we are still strong so this distance is nothing. You are forever my Seaweed Brain and don't you ever forget it. We are a team, a set, a pair of  mad demigods. We will never be broken a part. Don't ever forget this and never forget the good times. Don't give in to the bad times. Love you from here and that's all that matters.
                             Your in everything and your Wisegirl
                                        Annabeth Chase
I looked up and sighed. I must never forget the good. And with thoughts of Annabeth and good times I roll over and go to sleep.
Hey guys. Sorry for taking so long to update! Anyway should I write a MCR fanfic, a Percy meets avengers fanfic or a YJ fanfic next? Just getting idea trust me this story is just beginning. UnKnown-KillJoy did you like how I add us?
Love you guys 
Cj out

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