I was tagged

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I was tagged by:Destiel_Stydia_life
Rules: Can't refuse tag
Make a unique part that relates to tag
Must rewrite rules
13 people must be tagged
13 things you must revealed
And mention person that tagged you

13 things about me
1. I turn 15 in November
2. I am a freshmen this year (9th grade)
3. My favorite color is blue
4. I love to make music
5. I am quiet until you know me
6. I have Dyslexia
7. I have anxiety
8. I'm have a half brother and 2 step brother but I don't live with them
9. I live with my mom, grandma, great grandpa, aunt, and my aunts girlfriend plus my dog.
10. My dad lives with his girlfriend in Michigan and her two boys. He has 4 dogs and a ton of fish. 
11. I have a boyfriend named Scott.
12. I'm bi
13. I live in Ohio USA

Why do you like Wattpad?
I love it and I can read and write and talk to people about OTPs

What do I want to be when I grow up?
I want to be a graphic designer and own a cafe in Hell Michigan with my best friend

What was I like in Middle school or high school?
A cringing ball of hate!

How long have I been writing?
As long as I can remember mowing how! It was hard when i was little and I couldn't read very well.

Why do I like to write?
Well it give me freedom to be someone else!

Questions by:FantasiesAReality
Would you marry me?
Probably not I don't know you

On a scale of one to ten pineapple how fabulous am I?

If you could be anyone in the world who would you be?
Myself duh

What my favorite tv show or movie?
I have a lot but my favorite is the Outsiders

Destiel_Stydia_life Questions

Would you the rather be buried alive or eaten alive?

Books or Movies?

Do you know who Misha Collins is?

Benedict Cumberbatch or Martin Freeman?

My questions

Favorite movie character?

Favorite YouTuber?

Tattoos or piercings? *both are awesome!*

PercaBeth or No?

Favorite superhero?

I tag
Thanks for tuning in
Cj out

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