Chapter 26

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Percy pov 
When I woke up I heard what was left of the dark cloaked people chanting. They were chanting:
"I am evil."
"I am good."
"I am pain."
"I am comfort."
"I am fear."
"I am hope."
"I am hatred."
"I am love."
They shared a voice.
"I am deceit."
"I am truth."
"I am death."
The ground shook harder. It began to glow red. A bloody murderous red. The red of pure evil. I saw the others began to wake up. Annabeth nodded to me that she was okay and I let out a sigh of relief. I was glad she was okay. I don't know what I would have done if she wasn't. I thought I could make the ropes break with water so I began to call on the water. But to my dismay I couldn't feel the tug in my gut. I felt nothing. Scott yelled over to me that he couldn't 'wolf out'.

The chanting continued and I felt like my energy was being drained. The evil man that I'm just going to call Bill because I feel like it began to talk in a low cruel voice. He said, "Young heroes, your time is coming to an end. Soon my master will have your life energy and be able to raise again to take control of this pitiful little world. To bring it to its knees!"

By the end of his speech he was screaming. With what little energy I had I rolled my eyes. This made him laugh harder. Annebeth shouted, "What can stop this madness?!?"

Surprisingly he answered, "Killing me of course!"

I was a little shocked. Is this guy nuts he just took us how to stop him and who ever the hell he is raising. Annabeth and the pack were just as surprised, but she regained her composure and asked, "Who are you raising?"

He laughed louder than before if that's possible and said, "The very pit of evil himself!"

Annabeth and I paled. No, not him. We had to stop this mad man and we had to stop him now! I began to wiggle my hands in their restraints. They weren't tied as tight as I thought they were. I wiggle them some more and then threw Annabeth a look to get ready.

Bill was still laughing hysterically as if he said the funniest thing in all of history and time, but who knows maybe to him it was. I'm not one to judge another's sense of humor.

Anyway I got lose finally and was about to drop to the trembling ground when all of a sudden I saw a flash of fire from in between the trees. I saw Leo and the rest of the 7 standing there. Leo was making the shhh sigh with his finger that was also on fire. It was kinda fun. And so our plan began....

Sorry this is short, but I updated two days in a row so you can suck my big toe... sorry anyway hope you guys liked it
Love you guys :)
~Cj out

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