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Scott's pov.
I watch as Percy smiled a wicked smirk and winked at us as if everything was okay. When it clear wasn't. The ground was shaking. People were hurt. Something was raising from the depths of hell and we were all trapped. Or at least I thought.

All of a sudden fire licked across the ground and the ropes that held us caught fire. Without burning us we were cut free. Lightning streaked across the sky. Beautiful words were on the breeze. Everything around us seemed to dance with a magic light to it. I turned my head and saw 5 warriors with their weapons drawn ready for a fight. In front a blonde boy with bright sky blue eyes. A faint scar danced on his lip. He stood tall a commanding air about him the lighting and winds were in his control and a sword in his grip.

Beside him stood a proud girl. She was beautiful but didn't express it in anything other than a purely natural sense. Out of her mouth danced incanting words that seemed to hold my attention and make me want to do whatever she wanted. In her hair was feathers of a bright blue color. Her eyes were twisting all the colors into two orbs that only her head could hold. Her eyes were like kaleidoscopes. In her hand was a dagger that seemed to play pictures of the future.

Next to her stood a tall broad black haired browned eyed archer. A bow in his grip and a sword strapped to his back. He stands tall and proud his eyes checking his surroundings for any hidden enemies. He had a strong proud look about him that told anyone not to mess with the ones he loves.

Next to him stood a girl with golden eyes that could melt you where you stood. Her wild cinnamon brown hair flowed around her in endless patterns. She smiled a ghostly smile and her dark complexion made her blend in with the dark forest. In her hands she had a spatha. Her other hand was thrusted out to the ground. As she opened her palm the ground stopped shaking slightly.

On the other side of the blonde was boy of a Hispanic complexion. He was crouched down with his hand on the ground. Where his hand met the ground fire streamed out in waves. He had a mischievous smirk don his figures. His eyes were a brown eyes that had a flame of trouble in them. He was the fire that helped us free.

I jumped to my feet as the last room fell to the cold dark ground. Percy stood with a dark smirk and turned to the man that had caused our pain. He pulled out a pen and flicked off the cap. In his hand grew a long sword and as soon as it had grown to its full length he swung. The man jumped back and drew a sword of his own. Percy swung again and the man was a barely able to stopped Percy's blow. Within a few more moves Percy had the guy on the ground. The man just laughed. It was a wicked evil skin crawling laugh.

That's when a bunch of were creatures attacked. We had most of them wounded or ran off, but before one of us could stop it one bit Stiles. He looked shocked. His light brown eyes flashed in fear and he feel to the ground. I went over to him tears in my eyes. When I got there Derek had his head laying on his lap and was brushing Stile's brown hair out of his eyes. Stiles closed his eyes and Derek began to dress the wound. I turned to Percy and with eyes glowing a bright red I growled out, "Finish this!"

Without a look back he stabbed his sword into the man. The dark evil man. The man that may have caused my friend, no my best friend, no my brother to die. The dark evil man turned to a dark golden dust and it was over. The ground stopped shaking and the last of his followers fled the scene. I let out a pained howl, a broken howl and watched the rest of my pack do the same. I looked at Derek he had tears clearly in his eyes and he turned to me and whispered in a broken voice, "He's my mate and now he could be dying."

Stile's with a weak voice said, "Don't be so scared Sourwolf I'm stronger than I seem."

I looked at the other they all seemed fine as far as fine goes after a battle. Percy and his friends smiled a grim smile at one another and the he came over to us and said, "You guys better get him to that vet dude."

I nodded and Derek picked him up carrying him.

-Time Skip-
Deacon was awaiting for us at the animal hospital. He wore a grim as well smile and he looked at Stiles and began to work his magic cleaning him up and dressing his wounds. After he was done and made sure Stiles was comfortable he turned and tirelessly worked to clean and dress our wounds. At least the ones that weren't heal as fast. Soon we were all good to go and bunked down in the vets office space. He brought us out some blankets and such for us. Percy introduced his friends to us. The blonde was Jason. The girl with brown hair that had feathers in it was Piper. She and Jason were dating. Next was Frank that tall dark haired guy. After him was Hazel the girl with golden eyes. Hazel and Frank were dating we were told. They both blushed at that comment. The boy that commanded fire was Leo he said to call him Super-sized McShizzle Bad Boy Supreme. But we figured he was just joking. He also said he was dating a chick named Calypso but she had to stay at camp to help out with somethings.

After we introduced ourself we all laid down to get some rest.

Tomorrow we would find out if Stiles lived or died. And if he lived what werecreature he was.
Hope you guys liked it!!! Anyway thank you so much for reading. I think I'm going to write about 2 more chapters in this book. I'm going to make a sequel were Percy meets the Avengers. It's not really going to have TeenWolf in it, but will have references to what happened in this book and maybe the Teen Wolfy crew will come for a visit. Anyway thank you guys so much for read!!
Love you guys lots
~Cj out

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