The great (jk) chapter 18

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Percy's pov.
We ended walking with Stiles to the place that he had his "friend waiting". I was on edge I don't know why but I felt tense and this person that we were going to meet should they be trusted and who the Hades were they?

We walked and I walked quickly up to Stiles to ask him about his 'friend'.

"Ummm Stiles, how do you know we can trust this person and what are they? Are they nice?" I asked.

He shook his head and laughed softly. I was full of nervous energy. He seemed to sense this and said, "He's Beacon Hills own Sour Wolf. He can be a little scary at times but he's okay. He cares about us all more than he will ever say."

I nodded. I hoped he could help us and I don't have to call to many more reinforcements. I mean I could call the seven, any of my other friends or cousins. But to be truthful I didn't want to make the wolves and others of Beacon Hills sucked more into the mess of the Greeks/other gods.

I pulled back and started to walk beside Annabeth. She took my hand. We walked arm in arm. We were both busy in our own thoughts. I squeezes her hand and smiled. (Sorry I ship Percabeth if you don't sorry, but I also ship just about anything else) (oh and I hate when they make Percy seem so stupid like no I feel like he is smart in his own way. Small rant also I hate when they make Annabeth be all abusive on him too).

When we got to the cafe I saw an old couple and a man dressed in a black shirt and dark pants. He was wearing a black leather jacket and he looked pretty ripped. He had black hair and dark eyes. He had a sharp face that followed us as we moved. (Sorry I ship Stiles and Derek, but also Stiles with anybody but Scott. But this will definitely be a sterek story).

Stiles walked up to him and sat down. The rest of us sat down around them in different seats. He waved me over. Then he started telling the man about what has happened and why we need his help in greater detail but still a fast forward version. I watched him, the man that Stiles had called and he seemed to had a dark past by how his movements are and how he hides his emotions. But, he still showed that he cared for Stiles. He looked at him with a loving look in his eyes.

After Stiles had finished telling him about what had went on. He turned to me and said, "This is Percy, he's a friend." He then pointed to the other guy and said, "This is Derek, he is also a friend."

I put my hand out and Derek then shook it with a firm grip. I gave him a loop sided smile and said, "So who's ready to kick some baddy butt?"

The guy gave me a small smile and said, "Sure, what the hell?"

I smiled back and everyone moved over to sit with us. It was a squeeze, but we made it work.

By the end of the night we had plan A, plan B, and plan C.
Sorry guys I have had a hard time writing lately and I have had a lot of stuff thrown at me lately so I have been dealing with that anyway I hope you guys aren't mad. Anyway I will try to update more promise.....
~Cj out

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