Chaper 8

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Credit to Ms. Viri Castro for the pic at the top
Scotts pov
     Everything has been going great with Percy. School was great as much as it can be. But, one day it all had to come crashing down. I was out for a jog in the woods. I know I know it was a bad idea. What can I say I need to run and get some frustration out. And it was the full moon so I was just feeling reckless. I got attacked by something because I wasn't careful. I had to watch myself. I sometimes let the Alpha thing go to my head too much.

So anyway, I walk into the house and there was Percy reading a book and it wasn't in english from what I could see. I staring at him there in the middle of the living room and he stared right back. Then he jumped up and ran to the bathroom to get a medical kit like it was the most natural thing in the world. I was already healing now by the time he got back there was a little to no mark left other than a little blood.

"Dude, what did you do?" He asked.

"Nothing" I quickly. Maybe a little too quickly. Because he scrunches his eyes suspiciously. Then he smiles as if nothing happens. One things for sure he's one strange kid. I look at him more closely and breathe in deep.  He smells so weird. I hurried to brush myself off before making an excuse and head up to my room. I call Stiles shocked.

Stiles answers it immediately. "Hey what's up man, hopefully still  alive but you never known it's Beacon Hills."

"Dude, Percy just saw my cut and then ran up stairs and to get a first aid kit, but when he came down it was healed. What am I to do? What if he gets figures out what I am?"

"Just tell me to get it over with then at least we wouldn't be sneaking around him!"

      "How would I tell him without making it sound stupid. Oh how I am Scott I'm a werewolf I don't know if you knew that exists and oh so do banshees, Hellhounds and other things too!"

    "Scott, I don't know just do it quick before he gets turned or some shit!"

   "Okay, okay whatever. I will talk to you later bye!"

"Tell him bye!" Stiles said before hanging up.

I turned and ran my fingers through my hair. Well here goes nothing. I open my door and there stands Percy smiling a lopsided grin.

"So, your a werewolf." He said it as more of a statement than a question, but I answered anyway.


"Well what's the story."

We moved down stairs and start for the beginning. "Well it started like this......."

When I finished he shook his head and laughed. He smiled a sad smile and said, "Wow, you hungry? I am hungry!"

All I could do is stand there with my mouth open. He took that well. To well if you ask me.

But as always I didn't ask the questions that need to be asked. I answered, "I could eat." And we were on our way to the kitchen.

Percy Jackson crossed with TeenWolfWhere stories live. Discover now