Chaper 10

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Stiles POV.

Scott told Percy all about our lives and stuff. Now, guess what me and the pack have to take a vote about letting him in or not! I know right! How unfair?!?

Anyway, after the vote no one said no because well Percy was standing right there and it would be rude to say no and him to see it. I mean come on he could be a pretty scary guy when he wants to be!

After all the pointless voting we talked about some stuff and Percy kept looking around and not really paying attention to what was going on. I was about to say something when Percy shouted. "No!"

We all looked at him, but he was looking in the forest. The next thing I know this huge dog came running out. I jumped behind Scott and hoped for the best. I peeked out and the dog's paws were on Percy's shoulders and the dog was licking his face. He was muttered curses at the dog. The dog jumped down and went over to Scott and began growl. "No, Mrs. O'Leary!"

"Is this your dog?" Kira asked.

"Yea," he answered before crouching down on one knee and whispered to the dog, "Good Girl, your my good girl yea, you come to stay yea."

We all looked at each other Scott kept sniffing the air. "What type of dog is that Percy?" Scott asked.

"Just a hound." He said looking up at Scott.

"Okay, guys I think that all for now," Scott said still sniffing the air.

As me and Scott walked home together he said, "We need to get some intel on Percy something is not right with him or his dog!"

"Yea, he just keeps getting weirder and weirder!" I said in reply.

Percy Jackson crossed with TeenWolfWhere stories live. Discover now