Chapter 28 :)

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^Stile's eyes^
3rd person pov.

Stile jumped up all of a sudden. Before anyone could do more than stand up his eyes were a bright orange. Red fox ears with white and black tips prodded out from his head parting between his hair. A long red with a white tip fox tail came out from his tail bone. His nails grew into long claws. He faced then his back in a corner then he surged forward and attacked.

Stile's didn't slow. Instead, he drove shoulder-first toward them, swinging his muggy converse in a roundhouse kick hitting Liam in the gut with enough force to knock Liam to the ground. Stiles bent his knees and kicked himself off the wall. Then, he flipped over the pack and the seven and landed in a crouch behind them.

They didn't have time enough to turn around. He grabbed the shoulders of the two at the rear of the pack, hard enough to hear bone crack like thick-shelled eggs. They fell to the ground holding their shoulders in painful grips. With them down it gave him enough room to launch another roundhouse rick, dropping another pair. Kira swept her sword at his knees, it missed him by inches as he sprang up-ward. The sword clanged on the ground as he dove forward. He caught Kira by the forearm under the chin and crushing her trachea. He dropped her gagging body in time to whip his elbow into the Scott's face, a blossom of red bursting from where the nose and mouth had been.

Derek launched forward and wrapped his arms around Stiles in an awkward embrace holding him against his will. Deaton put a needle in his neck with a sedative in it. Putting him back into a restful sleep.

After clean up their wounds and such. Liam said, "We never speak of this again!"

The rest of the pack nodded laughing slightly. They looked at Derek cradling Stiles gently and they could only hope for the best.

•Time Skip•

Stile's pov.
I awoke with a headache and a very dry throat. I looked to my left and found a glass of water. I gulped it down greedily. I looked up as I heard a chuckle in the doorway. I saw Derek standing there leaning gently in the doorway smiling.

I smile back and he say, "I leave for one moment and you wake up. I stay here for hours and you don't so much as twitch."

I giggle and say, "Yeah, sorry."

He smiled and walked over and helped me up. A warm voice in my head hummed, "Mate." As he got held my arm.

He looked at me with amusement in his eyes and says, "We have much to talk about little fox."

He took me to Deacon and the pack. I smiled at them and waved a little wave. I smile and looked around and felt my smile fall. They were hurt. Scott had a bloody nose and Kira had a red mark on her neck. I looked and saw that others of them had other marks the show that a fight happened. Percy grinned at me and came over and ruffed my hair.

He laughed and said, "Hey, there little foxy! How you feeling?"

I smiled at him and said, "I doing okay. I just feel kinda sore."

Deacon then walked forward and said, "We have much to talk about."

He then cleared his throats and said, "Stile's your a werefox. Werefoxes are typically impossible to distinguish from any other human, although their faster metabolisms mean they are always fit. If they spend too much time in fox form, some characteristics may linger - for instance they may have fox eyes, unusually long and sharp canine teeth, and perhaps a rough voice. Werefoxes shapeshift into foxes, roughly the size of medium to large dogs. Some are also capable of taking a beta werewolf like form as you have already seen that you can. Although the ability is rare, some alpha lycanthropes can shift isolated portions of their body if they choose, rather than their whole body. A werefox will lose control of its human form when it sleeps, or when it has too much alcohol to drink. Also be careful during the full moon and especially during the blue moon. Like werewolves, werefoxes have mates but I don't think you have to worry about that."

I nodded my head and smiled slowly. Then I looked up and asked that pack, "What happened to you guys?"

Deacon put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Your fox took over and you attacked them."

Scott smiled at me and gave me a hug. "Don't worry about it. It happens!"

I felt guilty, but before I could make myself feel even worse Percy jumped in and introduced his friends. He then pulled me close and whispered in my ear, "Hey, don't beat yourself up. It wasn't you and I wouldn't worry about it. They forgave you. Just find a way to make it up to them."

I smiled at him and gave him a hug. He really was a good guy. He had a crazy life and was very powerful, but he made sure that everyone else was okay before himself. I was glad he was my friend!

Okay, so I have been editing all my old chapters! Sorry about that but it had to be done! Anyway, I am making two sequels two this book! One is Percy Jackson meets the Avengers and The Fox and the Wolf. The Fox and the Wolf is about Stiles and Derek relationship after this book. It will probably be short but oh well. Anyway, I am going to put two more chapters on this book then begin working on those two books!
Love you guys!
Cj out!

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