Chaper 12

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Credit to Ms. Viri for the pic at the top! Thank you!!
Scotts pov.

After Percy's friend left Percy started acting weird. More on edge like and he seemed to be watching everyone more closely. I don't know what to think one minute he is the greatest cousin I could ask for and the next he seems distant.

Maybe I am over reacting, but Lydia is getting so sort of weird vibe off of him. Like, he is something other than human or maybe we are all paranoid and he is acting like he would any other day. Deacon hadn't shown any light on what Percy could be or anything, but there is still hope that he is normal and all of this is in our heads.

Hopefully, we all pass with flying colors this year and can move on from the life of Beacon Hills or not you know. Anything can happen in this town. We have to stay hopeful and work hard against bad grades, ugly teachers, and of course bad paranormals, but what's a town with out a little drama even if it's the supernatural kind.

Third person pov.

Something was up with Percy and with his cousin looking at him oddly everyday. It was hard for him to go through his day as if he was normal. Everyday now there was monster attacks and we aren't talking about Scott's and the pack's monsters type of monsters either. We are talking about Greek monsters. Not the simple ones either, we are talking hardcore monsters. Monster's out for blood.

With common core math (If you don't know what this is it is a every hard new math that makes no sense and is being taught in schools today) and school work now and some hardcore monsters   Percy nerves were fried. He had little time to sleep and get school work done, but all in all he was just homesick. He missed his friends, his mom, and even as unbelievable as it sounds he missed Mr. D. If only just a little.

He missed New York and Camp. Heck, he even missed Camp Jupiter a little. With all this going on its no wonder that the young hero was stressed. To make matters worst he was haunted by nightmares every time he went to sleep. He would wake up with scratches and marks made by the big T himself. Tartarus even hearing the name made most heroes shiver, but Percy had been there and was now being tortured by him every night. With no one to turn to other than his new friends that he doesn't yet trust.

But if life continues like this then maybe the only way to help him past this point in his live.
Sorry this sucked! Anyway no one comment the song as time so I think I will wait to do another anyway thank you guys for getting this a ton of reads love you all so much.
Cj out.


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