Demon Poison

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Alec stumbled into the apartment, his shirt torn in several places and his jacket in shredded pieces. It was Magnus' favorite jacket on him and it cost more than Alec's entire wardobe at the institute put together, which wasn't very much to be truthful. But still. Magnus was not impressed.

"Alexander!" Magnus rushed over. Alec nearly collapsed in his arms but somehow managed to keep upright as Magnus helped him to the couch. "What on earth happened to you?"

"Wasn't on earth," Alec rasped. "Was in another demension. Demons attacked a mundane restaurant and the portal they came out of led to another dimension."

"Are you sure they weren't just ordering to go?" Magnus made a lame attempt at a joke, but Alec didn't smile. "Sorry. I suppose it's too late to make a demon joke."

Alec winced in pain. "One of them got me pretty good on my back. I think it's poisonous."

Magnus began to roll up his sleeves. "Let me have a look at it. I can heal it if it is poisonous. Your iratzes won't be able to heal demon poison."

Alec scowled. "You say iratze like it's a curse word."

"Hush. Take off your shirt." Magnus helped Alec take off his jacket and carefully removed what was left of his shirt. "There. Much better."

"I think you're enjoying this a little too much, don't you think?" Alec winced. "How bad is it?"

Magnus looked at the deep gash in his back. It was green with a couple of small needles sticking out like porcupine quills. The skin around it was swollen and filled with pus. It was pretty bad.

"Barely a scratch. Nothing I can't heal. Now lay on your stomach and stay still. This could sting a little bit."

Alec did what he was told, making sure to flex his not sore muscles just to tease Magnus. "I can handle a bit of pain. Do what you have to do."

Magnus frowned. He admired Alec for being so brave, even when he was actually absolutely terrified. The Shadowhunter blood was dominant, but Alec was also half human. He felt emotion just as humans do.

"Hold on, Alec. I'll make the pain go away...." Magnus' fingers and hands lit up with a blue spark as he placed them gently on Alec's back near the wound.

Alec screamed in agony. The wound on his back felt as if it was on fire and the pain was threatening to make him pass out. Magnus' idea of 'just a scratch' was extremely vague and needed a broader definition because this didn't feel like just a scratch.

"Stay conscious, Alec. I need you to stay awake...." Magnus strengthened his power as he spoke. "Almost finished..."

Alec screamed again, his body stiffening and then curling in on itself. He reached out and grabbed the nearest thing he could hold onto, which happened to be Chairman Meow's tail, and gripped it tight. The cat yowled and bit his hand, causing him more agony.

"Damn it, Alexander. You grabbed the cat!" Magnus felt himself weakening but the wound was almost completely healed. "Just another ten seconds!"

The wound on Alec's back closed and the needles fell to the floor. The burning sensation he felt before faded, leaving behind a dull ache, and his body unfolded on the couch.

"Magnus. You did it. You healed me," Alec's voice was a whisper as he spoke. "But you said it was just a scratch!"

"I told you I would, didn't I? I couldn't let you bleed all over my carpet. Demon poison is impossible to get out," Magnus leaned against his armchair and sighed heavily. "And I only told you it was just a scratch so you wouldn't worry as much. You're a difficult Shadowhunter to heal, Alexander. It was almost as if you were pushing me away during the process. Why?"

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