Comfort and Consent

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"I want this. I want you."

Before Magnus could say another word, Alec had crashed into him again, kissing him with a passion he remembered feeling when the wedding was crashed just merely weeks ago. He hadn't felt the same fire since, apart from a few shared kisses here and there but none had the same spark to it. This one didn't either; it felt rushed and desparate.

Magnus suddenly found himself in the bedroom. Alec was still kissing him, hands on either side of his face and holding his head in place. He tried to move away but Alec had a firm grip.

"Alec....wait. We need to talk about this," Magnus collapsed onto his back to the bed, Alec on top of him. "Alec, listen to me!"

The Shadowhunter froze at the harsh tone in Magnus' voice. When he pulled away, his pupils were dilated and he was breathing heavily. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Magnus shook his head. "No. You're doing everything right. But don't you think we should talk about this before we start diving into things headfirst?"

Alec frowned. "You're hesitating. Are you second guessing the relationship?"

"This has nothing to do with the relationship, Alexander. Well, in some ways it does but that's not the point. My point is....we need to talk about boundaries."

Alec raised an eyebrow. "Boundaries."

"Yes. Boundaries. Consent. Knowing when no means no."

Adjusting himself on the bed, Alec moved so that he was now seated beside Magnus. "Okay. I'm listening. What are your boundaries?"

"You mean you'll actually agree to them?"

Alec shrugged. "Why wouldn't I? It's called mutual respect. I respect you and you respect me. Simple enough."

Huh. Magnus didn't think it was going to be this easy, judging by the way Alec nearly took his mouth off just moments before from kissing. "True. Mutual respect is very important in any relationship. As is open communication. So consider this me communicating to you....I'm not ready for this next step of our relationship."

Alec let out a deep breath. "It's me, isn't it? My inexperience with....everything."

"Alec. It's not you." Magnus placed a gentle hand on the Shadowhunter's thigh. "Believe me when I say it isn't you. It's me. I've been closed off for so long that I'm finding it difficult to open up again. But with you, I'm remembering what it's like to love again. But it's not you. By no means whatsoever."

They were quiet for a moment, the only sound being the ticking of the grandfather clock against the wall. "So this whole next step thing," Alec spoke up after a few minutes of silence, "it can wait until you feel ready. At least you know I'm ready for it. Whenever you feel like taking that step with me, just say the word. I'll be waiting for you."

Magnus felt tears threatening to roll down his cheeks. Alexander Lightwood was a blessing; too pure and good for this world-too good for him. He didn't deserve this man in his life. "Thank you for understanding. I wasn't sure if you would or not."

Alec kissed his hand. "No worries. I would never force you into doing something you weren't ready for. I know you'd do the same for me."

"You know I would," Magnus smiled. "And I'm glad we had this talk. Otherwise one of us might've done something we'd regret later on down the road. So you do understand where I'm coming from though, right? About not being ready?"

Alec bowed his head. "Absolutely. For now let's just take things slow. Get to know each other a little better before we go to the next level."

Magnus took Alec's chin and held it in place with a hand as he kissed him. "I don't deserve you, Alexander. You're too good for me."

Alec blushed and chuckled. "Are you kidding me? It's me who doesn't deserve you. I mean, never in a million years did I think that my first relationship would be with the High Warlock of Brooklyn. That's just crazy."

"And I never thought I'd be dating a Shadowhunter. Now that's something even I didn't see coming."

They both laughed at their predicaments before collapsing back against the mattress together. Magnus' ceiling was covered in tiny plastic stars that resembled the constellations in the night sky. If Alec hadn't been paying attention, he would've missed the shooting star that passed just over the canopy bed.

"This is nice," whispered Magnus. "Just like this. No sex. No dirty talk. Just this. Us. Together."

"Yeah," Alec nodded. When he turned his head to look at Magnus, the warlock was already gazing at him with pure love in his eyes. "Just one question. Do I need consent to kiss you? Or is that just for the other stuff?"

Magnus smirked. "Alec. You always have my consent for a kiss. That's the one thing you don't need to ask me for. Just do it."

"Just do it," Alec repeated.

And that's exactly what he did.

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