Magnus and Alec's No Kiss List

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"Let's talk about people we would and wouldn't kiss."

Alec paused at the kitchen sink, tossing a quick glance at Magnus over his shoulder. "And you suggested this because......"

Magnus shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm curious. Who you had your eye on when you were still....not out."

Alec sighed. "If I agree to this, will you leave me alone and let me finish the dishes?" Magnus had snapped his fingers and the dishes were suddenly stacked neatly away in the open cupboards. "Okay. Fine. You win. How does this go?"

"First of all, we create a list of people we would never kiss. We'll call it a No Kiss List."

"Isn't that a-"

"Never mind that. I'll go first. Ask me who I wouldn't kiss. Then you write down the name of that person on the list. Once they're on the list, I'm never allowed to kiss them. Unless, of course, I had no other choice and my life depended on it," Magnus smirked and twirled his wine glass around in midair.

Alec grabbed a notepad and pen, sitting down on the small armchair that was actually meant for Chairman Meow. Magnus loved it when Alec made things look smaller than they actually were because of his height. His long legs hung over one arm of the chair awkwardly and his head rest on the other. He looked ridiculous.

"Okay. Who wouldn't you kiss?" Alec twirled the pen around in his fingers. Magnus had seen him do this with his stele millions of times, and he knew it was a nervous act.

"Hmm....who wouldn't I kiss.....Camille. Camille Belcourt."

Alec stopped twirling the pen. "But she was your lover once. Why wouldn't you kiss her?"

"You say that with such disdain. I can hear it in your voice. Yes, she was my lover once. A very long time ago. We parted ways and we haven't spoken since. End of story. Do you have her wrote down?"

Alec scribbled her name on the paper, muttering under his breath. Magnus thought Alec looked adorable when he was frustrated. There was a crease in his eyebrow when he was thinking hard, and it was proving Magnus very hard not to just knock the notepad out of Alec's hands and just kiss him hard on the lips.

"Okay. Camille. Who else?"

"Who else indeed. Probably a Silent Brother. Although, Brother Zachariah is good looking-"

"Oh Raziel, no. I don't think I can continue with this. This is-I can't-" Alec froze when Magnus grabbed his hand as he got up and squeezed it.

"I'll stop. But I want to hear about you. Hear your No Kiss List. Please?"

Alec took a shaky breath before collapsing back down into his chair. "Fine. I would never kiss....Simon."

Magnus snorted as he wrote. "And why not? Simon is adorable! If you like the whole nerdy, gamer boy thing."

"He talks too much."

"And you don't talk enough. What about Jace?"

Alec's eyes grew wide for a fraction of a second. "What about Jace?"

"Would you kiss him?" Magnus asked, watching Alec swallow nervously, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

"We're parabatai. It's forbidden to fall in love with each other. You know that, Magnus."

Magnus rolled his eyes. "I know, Alexander. But pretend he wasn't your parabatai for a moment. Would you kiss him?"

Alec straightened up in his seat, forearm muscles dancing under his skin as he moved. "I.....maybe. I don't know. I mean-he's not-he would never go for me. So no. Probably not."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Magnus said in a singsong voice. "He seems very open minded. Which is a rare trait in a Shadowhunter. He accepted you, didn't he? And did he not accept me as well?"

Alec said nothing. Magnus had a point. Jace was very warm and welcoming when he found out that Magnus was his boyfriend, unlike the majority of the Shadowhunter world. Homosexuality wasn't something they were entirely comfortable with. Shockingly, being with a Downworlder was more accepted than being with a Shadowhunter of the same gender.

"You're quiet. Are you okay?" Magnus sat on Alec's lap and smiled. "Want to talk about it?"

Alec shook his head. "I'm fine. Nothing's on my mind."

"Liar. You have that crease in your forehead. You only get it when you're flustered or thinking really hard. I always want to kiss it whenever I see it. Now talk."

Alec rolled his eyes. "I was just thinking....if we hadn't met....would I be on your No Kiss List?"

Magnus stared into Alec's eyes for a moment before speaking. "That's what you're so worried about? Whether or not you'd be on my list?" He laughed and held Alec's face between his hands. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood. You worry too much. Of course you'd be on my No Liss List."

Alec's heart dropped to the floor. "But I thought-"

"You'd be on my No Kiss List until you yourself felt comfortable enough with who you are and how you truly feel about me," Magnus leaned in and gently kissed Alec, letting his lips explore the shape and taste of his mouth. Plump upper and lower lip, smooth skin, minty taste. Alec's lips were a gift from Raziel along with The Mortal Instruments. Beautiful and deadly at the same time.

Alec pulled away first, taking in a deep breath. "I wasn't expecting that answer from you, to be honest. You surprised me."

Magnus beamed. "I'm full of surprises, Alec. I could show you a couple more, if you'd like," he traced Alec's jawline with a finger and bit his lip.

Alec grinned. "I like the sound of that. But what about the list? Are we keeping it?"

Magnus snapped his fingers and their lists went up in flames on the coffee table. "No. Forget about the lists. We both know who and what we want, and right now I want you. And your deliciously yummy lips-what were you eating earlier that tastes like mint?"

Alec laughed, a rare sound that Magnus valued more than payment from jobs themselves. "Toothpaste. I brushed my teeth earlier. Mint flavored."

Magnus smiled. "I love it. It tastes amazing," he pressed his mouth to Alec's again, this time making sure to trace the Shadowhunter's lips with his tongue. Alec moaned under his lips, which drove him to the point of insanity.

He pulled away, taking a deep breath. "Okay. Too much excitement for this old warlock. I need a breather."

Alec smirked. "I don't." He grabbed Magnus by the lapels and pulled him for another deep kiss. When they finally pulled apart again, Magnus' eyes were wide and slitted like a cat's. Alec smirked, obviously proud of himself. "You're not the only one full of surprises, Magnus. And you're on my No Kiss List too. No Kiss....Unless We're In the Bedroom List."

Magnus laughed. "Smooth, Alexander. Very smooth. Tell me more about this fascinating list in our room. And take off your clothes. We won't be needing them anymore."

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