Expecto Patronum

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Picture on the top (or side or wherever it is) is Alec's and Magnus' Patronus. Magnus is a cat for obvious reasons and Alec is a golden retriever; loyal and protective. Both men are 16 in this and attending Hogwarts

"Expecto Patronum!"

A white ball of light whizzed just inches away from Magnus' nose as he passed by an empty classroom, prompting him to jump back in surprise. As he peered in, he saw a boy his age kick a chair with his foot and swear under his breath.

"Having trouble with that one?" He said aloud. The boy whipped around in fright, wand raised. "Whoa. Hey. Same house here," Magnus flicked the Hufflepuff emblem on his robes and smiled. "I'm Magnus Bane. I think we're in the same year."

The black haired boy's shoulders relaxed and he lowered his wand. "I'm Alec. Lightwood. And I think we are. I remember you going up to the Sorting Hat in our first year and it didn't even touch your head and it sorted you."

Magnus laughed. "That was the fastest sorting ever. Or so I was told." He strut over to the fallen chair and picked it up. "So you're having trouble with Expecto Patronum, huh?"

Alec rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah. Been struggling for a few days now and the deadline for the term paper is due Friday. I'll never finish it in time."

"Don't be stupid. Of course you will." Magnus took his wand out from his jeans pocket with a smirk. "I'll help you. I'm in the advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts class."

"Good to know...." Alec raised his wand again. "Expecto Patronum!"

A pale white most appeared at the end of his wand but disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"See? It's hopeless. I'm not passing this term. Not with a pathetic Patronus like that," Alec collapsed into a seat, defeated. "We're supposed to find out what our animal Patronus is. Everyone I know has theirs, including my younger brother and sister."

"You mean Jace and Isabelle?" Magnus sat next to Alec.

"Yeah. You know them?"

"Only through Quidditch. I tried out for the Keeper position. Didn't get it," Magnus shrugged. "So what's their Patronus?"

Alec sighed. "Jace's Patronus is a lion. Isabelle's a mare."

"Both very noble creatures. I'm sure yours is just as noble. Now get up. We're going to get this Patronus right and I'm not leaving until you do."

Alec got to his feet and raised his wand. "Expecto Patronum!"

Magnus rolled his eyes as the white mist shot out of Alec's wand for the second time. "You're not doing it right."

Alec scowled. "No? Then do tell me, oh wise one. What the hell am I doing wrong?!"

Magnus pointed at him. "That. That's what you're doing wrong. A true Patronus is only formed when you're thinking of your happiest memory."

"I....I hadn't thought about that," Alec ran a hand through his hair nervously. "I forgot about that. I was just so focused on getting this paper done that it completely slipped my mind."

"And now that you know, you can try it. Do you want an example?" Magnus beamed as the other Hufflepuff boy nodded. "Excellent. Now watch closely. I'm only doing this once."

He raised his wand and Alec could see his face change. It wasn't a look of concentration but rather a look of complete ease; something he wasn't because of this term paper.

"Expecto Patronum!" Magnus yelled, his voice filled with power.

The tip of his wand lit up and a flash of light exploded out of it, taking shape. To Alec's surprise, a tabby cat dashed around the room, jumping from desktop to desktop and even around his legs before taking a spot beside Magnus on the desk.

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