When He Speaks

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Cheesy ending lol but I tried

I love when Magnus opens his mouth to speak. I'd never admit this to anyone out loud, but it's true.

It started when we went to find him for information about Clary's memories. I shot an arrow at a Circle member and killed him. At the time, I was so in the moment that I barely even noticed Magnus staring at me in awe. I just thought he was admiring my skill with the bow and arrow. I was oblivious at the time.

Jace and I tracked Magnus not long after he disappeared. Tension was running high at the time and parabatai tracking seemed extremely awkward with Jace. He stared into my eyes and I stared into his....it was just awkward. But we managed to find Magnus despite the tension and meet him at his apartment.

He called me Pretty Boy. Everyone there heard him. At first I thought "Oh he means Jace for sure" but when he shook his head and said "I was talking to you" while pointing at me, my heart swelled with joy. I was the Pretty Boy for once. I was the one people noticed instead of Jace. It felt good.

But I had to play it cool. If people knew that Magnus' simple comment made me overjoyed then they'll think something was up. I couldn't let my people find out I was....different. I'd be shunned for sure. Stripped of my marks. Lose my family. My career. My identity. Everything.

I held his hand that night. Well, I kind of didn't have a choice in the matter anyway. We were summoning a memory demon to try and get back Clary's memories. In order to contain the demon writhing the circle, we all needed to hold hands. Magnus held my left hand. Jace held my right.

The demon deceived me that night. It tricked me into revealing a memory of a loved one. Jace appeared within the cloud of smoke and my heart leapt into my throat. I no longer cared if we were containing a demon within the circle. I wanted out.

So I broke the circle, releasing the demon. Magnus had to use the full force of his powers to try and keep the demon under control while we were blown backwards by the force of the demon. At this point, I had realized what I'd done and was ready to sacrifice myself to the demon. Jace wouldn't let me. Being the parabatai that he was, he shoved me out of the way and the demon grabbed hold of him and lifted him off his feet.

Once we saved him, I couldn't bear to touch him or be near him. Naturally, Magnus took notice of this. He eyed me carefully as I backed away from my injured parabatai, the pain and understanding clear in his eyes.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Alec," he whispered to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I said back to him.

Things started falling into place from there. I started noticing things....I can't even begin to explain what. Just little things about other men that I found oddly....attractive. Like the way one half of Simon's smile went up before the other. Or the way Jace crossed his arms over his chest and made the muscles in his arms flex. It didn't matter how hard I tried, these thoughts didn't leave my head.

Then there was Magnus. The more I saw him, the more fascinated I became. His clothes, his hairstyle, his voice. Everything about him was incredible. Never in my life had I met a Downworlder - no. A person so unique and so full of life. I found myself craving his presence more and more. He was everything I wasn't. In other words, he was the better half I've been looking for my whole life.

He seemed so confident in himself and in his abilities. I admired the way he spoke and walked and just carried himself in general. I needed someone like that in my life. As much as I hated to admit, I needed Magnus in my life. I may be a Shadowhunter but I wasn't stupid. I couldn't miss out on having a person like this in my life.

When he speaks I just.....I lose myself. I become lost in this place that's not really on earth and it's not really in my head either. It's hard to describe. He just makes me forget where I am and what time it is or what I have to do later that day. And I like it. I like the feeling of just being normal for a few minutes, even if he is a warlock and I'm a Shadowhunter. I don't think about that when I'm with him. In fact, I don't think about anything. It's a nice feeling, actually.

So that's partly why I'm around Magnus so much. Or maybe it's because we constantly need his help. Either way, I wasn't complaining. It was usually me who insists we need Magnus' help with something. I mean, my sister gives me a sly smile when she thinks I'm not looking but I know. I saw her do it a couple of times. I know what she's thinking. She knows I like him and he likes me. She's practically psychic when it comes to this stuff. That's what makes her such a good Shadowhunter. She's observant. Our mom and dad don't give her the credit she deserves.

Magnus Bane. I can talk about him for days. In fact, I can probably write a book about him if I wanted to. The only thing I know for certain is that there's never a dull moment with him.

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