"Alec. It's me. Magnus."

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This one shot was suggested to me by @Multi_Fandom_3120 (you're just full of ideas aren't you). Oh boy. Why'd you do me dirty like this man. I hate pitting Magnus and Alec at each other but I guess if that's what you wanted then here it is. Enjoy.

A flash of lightning lit up the sky overhead, followed by a roar of thunder. It was getting nearly impossible to see what was going on around him, forcing Magnus to cast a simple Sight spell on himself so he could see through the heavy rain that began to fall, drenching his clothes.

Soaked with the rain, he called out to Alec whom he had lost sight of just moments before the storm hit. Last he'd seen, Alec was fighting off the horde of demons that had popped through an open Portal. Some mundanes were messing around with things they shouldn't have been messing around with and they ripped open an inter-dimensional rift; complicated stuff that Magnus hated getting into details with. Nobody ever understood it.

"Alec!" He called out, but his voice was drowned out by the storm. "Alec, where are you?!"

A flash of lightning lit up the rooftop where he had joined Alec, Jace, Isabelle and Clary just an hour before in response to intense demon activity. He had killed a few himself before he lost sight of the young Shadowhunters in the storm. This storm was only a result of the demonic activity; it wasn't a natural occurrence.

"Alec!" He called out again. As another bolt of lightning lit up the sky, he could see the tall outline of Alec near the ledge. Wiping the rain from his eyes, Magnus sang out Alec's name again. Alec didn't move a muscle.

"Alec! We have to retreat! We're outnumbered!" As Magnus approached Alec and placed a hand on his shoulder, the warlock felt a static charge between his hand and Alec's shoulder. "Alec....what's going on-"

Alec was a blur. In a matter of seconds, Magnus found himself pinned to the wall with Alec holding his bow in his hands and an arrow notched into it, the tip pointed directly at Magnus' throat.

"Alec," Magnus rasped. "What are you doing?"

"Disgusting half breed," Alec said. His voice didn't sound like his own. His eyes weren't his own either; where they used to be a bright hazel before, they were now replaced by a black void. "I never did agree with cross breeding. Too much inbreeding on earth as it is."

"Alec-" Magnus winced as the arrow dug in deeper into his throat. "Alec. Listen to me. It's me. Magnus. If you're in there you have to fight what's inside you!"

The demon inside Alec laughed. "No. You listen. Alec is gone. He's dead. I'm in control now and there's nothing you can do about it."

Magnus frowned. "Do you remember that time you crashed your own wedding and kissed me in front of everyone at that wedding?"

Alec's face twitched but he said nothing.

"And that time we went on our first date? You destroyed me in our first game of pool."

"Shut up. Just-" Alec squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. "Shut up! Or I'll release this arrow and watch it go through your throat like a pen going through paper!"

"When we got home that night I thought you were reconsidering our relationship. Then you turned around and you didn't care how many people I've dated in the past. All you cared about was the present. Then you kissed me."

Alec let out a cry. The bow he was holding dropped to the ground as he fell to his knees and gripped his head in pain. "What are you doing to me?!"

Magnus gripped his boyfriend's shoulder. "It's called love. Memories. Something demons have no comprehension of. That's why it hurts. You can't understand what Alec is feeling on the inside." He leaned down and smiled at the demon. "He's still in there, isn't he? He can hear me."

The demon let out a final cry as black smoke erupted from Alec's mouth. With a flash of light from his hand, Magnus destroyed the demon and immediately turned his attention back to Alec.

"Alexander. Can you hear me?" A final rumble of thunder roared overheard before the cloud broke. The moon was full and it shone down on them.

Alec gasped for air. "Yeah. I can hear you." He looked around frantically. "Magnus! I'm so sorry. Oh my god I'm sorry-"

"It's okay. I'm fine. Not a scratch on me," Magnus smiled reassuringly. "Luckily the demon was weak and could be dispelled quickly."

Alec coughed. "I was weak too. That's the second time I let a demon in."

Magnus helped him to his feet. Now that the moon was shining brightly and the clouds were gone, he could see Alec's pale face and shocked expression under the light. "You're not weak. Don't ever think that you are because you're not."

"I....look. I'm sorry. I tried to fight it. I really did. I could still hear and see everything it was forcing me to do but I couldn't do a damn thing about it." Alec took a deep breath to steady himself. "Are you sure I didn't hurt you?"

Magnus nodded. "I'm sure. Besides...if I was hurt it wouldn't have been because of you. I'm fine. See?" Magnus twirled around which prompted Alec to chuckle. "Come on. We need to report back to the Institute. I think the rest of our little band of Shadowhunters are already gone."

Alec nodded. "Okay. Are you sure I didn't hurt you-"

"Alec! I'm fine. Drop it. Seriously. I've got half a mind next time to say yes if you ask me that. It's almost as if you want me hurt or something."

"I don't! Why would you even think that?!"

"Because that's how you're acting right now!" Magnus shouted. "Look. Forget it. I'm fine. You didn't hurt me. Now let's go home and....I don't know. Drink and forget about tonight. Sound good?"

Alec nodded in agreement. "I could a drink."

"Good," Magnus sighed, "because so do I."

Fading Scars: A Series of Malec One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now