Autumn Love

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Part 3 of 4 of Four Seasons

Autumn was my favorite time of year. The weather wasn't too hot or too cold. It was perfect sweater weather. Also, it was perfect cuddle weather. Oh, and the leaves look nice too. Nice shades of orange and yellow and brown.

The boys were both well into teenagerhood. Rafael was 17, nearly 18, practically an adult in Shadowhunter terms. He filled out over the course of three years, as well as got taller. He was almost as tall as Alec. He was a strong and determined young man who set out to do anything he set his mind to.

Max was still plugging away at his studies in the culinary arts and his magic. Only 16, he surpassed me in most areas of spell work, and his cooking has grown leaps and bounds. He had decided to let his hair grow. He called it "freedom of expression". His hair was now down to his shoulders. Plus he got a tattoo of the Lightwood family crest around his bicep; flames, to be exact.

I had a lot to be proud of when it came to my boys. Rafe was a full fledged Shadowhunter, Max somehow (still can't figure out how he did this) managed to open his own successful restaurant without my knowledge. Both of my sons had accomplished so much in such a short amount of time.

Alec, on the other hand, had changed somewhat. He wasn't the same after a routine patrol he went on with Jace one night. It had been a while since he actually been out on the field. He went out, like any other patrol, and came back a different person. When I asked him what was wrong, he brushed me off and went straight to bed. So I called Jace to see what happened.

"We came across a vampire tonight. He was feeding on....a woman. She was 8 months pregnant. He had torn open her womb and was drinking the blood of her unborn child. Alec cut its head off without even thinking twice. I think it really messed him up, seeing that."

I sighed heavily. "Thanks, Jace. I was wondering what was wrong when he came home. He seemed....out of it."

"That was probably why. Just talk to him. He'll listen to you, Magnus. If anyone can get him to open up, it's you. Even parabatai's can only do so much."

I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks again. Tell Clary and the kids I said hello."

Jace chuckled. "Will do. Stop by anytime, Magnus. We're all family here."

After I hung up with Jace, I went into the bedroom. Alec was lying on the bed staring up at the ceiling. He didn't say anything as I crawled onto the bed beside him. He didn't even blink.

"Want to talk about it?" I whispered in his ear.

"Jace must have told you. I could hear you talking to him just then. Did he tell you?" Alec continued to stare at the ceiling.

I nodded. "He did. That must have been....that must have been awful. I can't even imagine coming across something as awful as that and being so scared that you freeze-"

"I didn't freeze," Alec croaked. "I killed that thing right when it licked its lips and went for another drink. I didn't hesitate. But it got me thinking afterwards...."

"Of what?"

He sighed as I rest my cheek on his chest. He smelled of cologne and the outside. I loved how you could tell what season it was just by breathing in the fresh air. Each of the four seasons had its own unique scent and to this day, as old as I am, it still fascinates me.

"I thought of the boys. It could've been them that got killed tonight. Maybe Rafael could've been out with friends and got attacked-"

"I'm sure Rafael could have handled himself, Alec. He's the best Shadowhunter of this generation."

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