Slow Dancing

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This scene takes place during Joceyln and Luke's wedding in City of Heavenly Fire

Jocelyn looked so happy on the dance floor as Luke twirled her around to the rhythm of the music. Her white wedding dress (she chose white for mundane customs) flowed across the floor like a white wave, and she reminded Alec of a graceful swan on the lake.

"Luke must be the happiest man alive," Magnus approached him, a glass in either hand. "You can see it in his eyes. Champagne?"

Alec took a glass, watching as Magnus snapped his fingers over the drink and it began to fizzle with blue sparks. "I don't blame him. Jocelyn is an amazing woman. She'll make him happy."

The music changed to another slow song, and this time it was for everyone to dance to. Luke placed a hand on Jocelyn's waist and held her hand with the other, while Jocelyn rest her head on his chest. Even Jace and Clary were on the dance floor, smiling at each other and whispering quietly.

"Well, would you look at that. Your sister is dancing with the vampire Salmon," Magnus chuckled and took a sip of his drink.

Alec scowled. "Good for her. She can dance all she pleases. Izzy loves the spotlight anyway."

Magnus frowned at the look on Alec's face. The boy looked so sad and lost that it nearly broke his heart. Setting his glass down on the table next to them, he grabbed Alec's hand. "Come. Follow me, Alexander."

Alec tried to wiggle out of Magnus' grasp. "No. What are you doing?"

"Dancing, of course. Isn't that what music is for? Especially this kind? Do Shadowhunters not dance at weddings?"

"Not really," Alec grumbled. "We more or less just have a ceremony and then move on. Mundane customs like to drag things on longer than necessary-"

"And that's why I adore mundanes. They know how to throw a party. Now shut up and dance with me."

Magnus finally managed to drag Alec out on the dance floor, despite the strange looks and disgusted glares they were receiving from the majority of the crowd. But Magnus didn't care. He was here to have a good time with Alec and nothing and nobody was going to ruin this night for him.

Alec didn't know where to put his hands. "I don't know....where do I...."

Magnus rolled his eyes. "Put your hands on my hips, Alec."

Alec's eyes widened. "You want me to put them where?"

"Oh for the love of....." Magnus grabbed Alec's hands and placed them on his hips and put his own hands on Alec's shoulders. "Here. Since I have to do everything for you. Now we dance."

The dance was a little awkward. Alec kept stumbling and tripping over their feet and spent most of the song apologizing for stepping on Magnus' toes. Magnus thought it was charming and adorable, watching his boyfriend struggle to slow dance.

"You're so cute when you stumble, Alec. It's so endearing."

"I wasn't aiming for endearing. I'm trying not to fall flat on my face in front of everyone...." Alec cleared his throat and regained his composure. "Plus people are staring. It's making me nervous."

Magnus looked around at the crowd. A few people were whispering and pointing at them. He could see why Alec didn't like it. He wasn't used to the spotlight.

"Just ignore them. Tonight is about us. We can't let a couple of Shadowhunters ruin it for us, right? Just focus on me. I'll lead."

They danced some more to the seemingly never ending slow song, only tripping once and that was only because Alec bumped into Clary. She smiled and apologized, even if it wasn't her fault. Jace just smirked at his brother and winked at Magnus.

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