Make A Wish, Alec

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Alec thinks everyone forgot about his birthday but a special someone remembered

Alec tossed his bow on the couch with a grumble, cursing under his breath when it landed on the floor with a clatter. He didn't bother picking it up. He wasn't in the mood.

Magnus' apartment was empty. Apart from the cool Brooklyn breeze coming in from the open balcony door, the spacious home was quiet and very much empty. There was no note left behind by the warlock and there was no sign of him ever being in here for a while.

Helping himself to some coffee, Alec went out on the balcony that overlooked the busy Brooklyn streets. It had been a long night; there was a pack of rogue werewolves running lose and unrestrained through New York earlier and Alec had been dispatched to put them down. Jace tagged along, which was fine, but his parabatai was often unpredictable. Nonetheless they managed to set the pack straight (with the help of local werewolf pack leader Luke Garroway) and this earned themselves the rest of the night off.

But that wasn't why he was in such a sour mood. It wasn't chasing down werewolf pups that caused Alec's mood to drop so suddenly. It wasn't even Jace's sarcastic and snarky personality. He was used to that by now anyway.

It was his birthday.

He turned 24 today and nobody even cared. Not even Isabelle, who normally was the one who woke him up bright and early with a cake (a terribly baked one) and singing happy birthday to him. Not even his parents said anything. Everyone was too wrapped up in their own lives to stop and wish him a quick happy birthday.

He didn't care. Not really. Alec preferred not to be in the spotlight anyway so maybe he was being a little selfish for wanting people to focus on him for a day. At least that's how he felt. He doubted anyone felt guilty for being selfish on their birthday. But there was always this guilt that nagged at him whenever he wanted to do something nice for himself. It wasn't a nice feeling; it felt like a numbing sensation in his hands and arms.

When his coffee was gone and it had begun to grow chilly, he went back inside and closed the balcony doors behind him. Magnus still wasn't home at that time, which was fine with him. This gave him the chance to have a quick shower and freshen up before bed.

Stripped down, he turned the shower on so that it blasted hot water. Magnus had his apartment rigged with magic so that it never ran out of hot water (one of the perks of being a warlock, Alec guessed). He could stay in the shower forever and it would never run out of hot water.

After a quick wash he stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. Thankfully he had thought to bring some of his own clothes to Magnus' just in case. A couple pairs of his jeans and some of his shirts lay untouched in one of the drawers in Magnus' elaborate looking dresser. He grabbed just a pair of boxers and slipped them on. It was getting late and the thought of bedtime made him even more tired than he already was.

A faint crackling noise grabbed his attention just as he pulled down the covers to the bed. It sounded like leaves being stepped on or someone crumpling up paper. Regardless of what it sounded like, he grabbed his seraph blade and it lit up immediately in his hand as he slowly made his way out into the hall.

There was a mysterious shadow along the floor of the kitchen. Alec couldn't quite see what it was but as he cautiously stepped out, blade in hand, he saw that it was just Magnus standing at the kitchen counter.

"Magnus," he said. "What are you doing?"

Magnus jumped in surprise. "Jesus. You frightened me. When did you get home?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Alec lowered the blade and the light emanating from it dimmed completely. "I thought you wouldn't be home until tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Where'd you hear that? Never mind. Don't answer that. I'm here now and that's all that matters." Magnus smiled broadly as he turned around and picked something up off the counter. "Happy birthday, Alec."

A single cupcake with a sparkling candle that changed colors was in Magnus' hands. It was one of the most beautiful cupcakes Alec ever saw; chocolate with perfectly spread vanilla icing with black sprinkles on it. He stared down at it in more shock than anything else.

"For me?" He whispered. "But I thought you forgot like everyone else...."

"Did you honestly think that I forgot your birthday?" Magnus' eyes twinkled behind the light of the candle. "I haven't forgotten. It might seem like it because I was gone all day but I was actually gone to Korea to see if an old friend of mine still sold these candles. They're custom made."

Alec glanced down at the candle. "I'm pretty sure mundanes sell candles that change color, Magnus...."

The warlock rolled his eyes. "Just make a wish and blow out the candle, Alec. You'll see what I mean."

Alec shrugged and did what he was told. Sure enough, as he blew out the candle the smoke rose into the air and spelled out his name with a heart around it. He smiled broadly up at it. "Oh. I see what you mean now by custom made. Magic?"

"Of course. Magical candles are the best," Magnus set the cupcake down on the counter before draping his arms around Alec's neck. "So what did you wish for?"

As Magnus pecked his nose, Alec chuckled and shook his head. "I thought if you told someone what you wished for then it won't come true?"

Magnus snorted. "That's a load of crap. Tell me. I might even make it come true."

Alec sighed. Slowly but with confidence, he leaned down and kissed Magnus on the lips. "I don't have to make a wish. I already have what I want."

Tears threatened to well up in Magnus' eyes but he fought them back. "Understandable. Cheesy too but I totally get it. I'd do the same."

Alec rubbed his nose along his boyfriend's. "Thank you. For remembering and all. I sort of expected everyone but you to forget-"

"Which I didn't."

"Which you didn't. And that makes me happy. My day was crap and you coming home with this little surprise just made it much better. So thank you..."

Magnus tapped him on the nose with a smile. "You're welcome. Don't ever doubt me, Alec. I'd never forget anything about you. Your birthday means a lot to me and I want to make sure you're happy. Also, I'm sorry I wasn't home to celebrate with you."

Alec looked at the clock on the wall. "We still have time. Technically, it's still my birthday. We can still celebrate if you want...."

"What did you have in mind?" Magnus said with a smirk.

"Oh. You involves the bedroom and foreplay."

Magnus laughed boisterously. "You know what you want. I like that. That's sexy. I'm game if the birthday boy is."

Alec nodded a little too enthusiastically. "I'm game. Definitely game."

"Excellent," Magnus pulled Alec down by cupping a hand on his neck and kissed him. "I love you so much. Happy birthday, Alexander."

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