Remember Me In Pieces

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A sequel to I Could Never Forget You. Satan aka me strikes again to bring you pain and heartbreak

If you don't know the heartbreak of your loved one forgetting who you are entirely, then you will never understand what I went through; what I'm still going through.

My husband (depends how you view it) Alec lost his memory months ago. To this very day it's a struggle just to wake up in the morning and realize that your own husband has no memory of you whatsoever. Sometimes, I even had to reintroduce myself which just about kills me to do, but it needed to be done. I had no qualms with it. It's what you do for the people you loved.

As of right now, Alec was sitting at the kitchen table doing a crossword puzzle. To be completely honest, the house was quieter now that he didn't go off on missions. He didn't come home exhausted. He didn't come home injured. Things were....normal. Or as normal as a warlock and a Shadowhunter with no memory of his past was going to get.

I stepped into the kitchen, clearing my throat to make my presence known. He looked up and flashed that brilliant smile that I fell in love with ages ago. "Hi. How's that puzzle coming along?" I asked him.

"Oh, it's coming along. That's all I can really say," he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "What's up? Did you need me for something?"

I shook my head. "Just wanted to see how you were doing. How are you holding up?"

"Since you moved in, I've been doing great," Alec smiled. "I don't feel as alone anymore. Like something....something feels right when I'm with you. Like a puzzle piece inside me was filled in."

Oh boy. My heart might've just shattered in that very moment. It felt as if I bungee jumped off a bridge and the cord was wrapped around my heart, but the cord was ready to snap. That's what I felt like right now and it was sickening.

"That's good. No one should be alone. Or feel alone." I took a seat next to him, taking a deep breath. "Would you like to go for a walk with me? Get some fresh air?"

Alec beamed. "I would love that! The weather channel said it calls for sun all day, so our walk should be a beautiful one."

Oh, Alexander. So pure and innocent. I miss the old you where you always geared up first before going for a walk. You always had a blade on you or your bow just for "safety precautions" as you used to call it. Seeing you now as you grab just a light jacket almost makes me want to shove a weapon in your hands, but what would you say if I do? Not that I'm going to do it. I just miss the old you.

"So where are we headed?" He asked as we went out the door.

"Oh, you know. Here and there. Wherever our feet take us. Brooklyn is a big city after all," I smiled at him. The childish curiosity in his eyes reminded me of Max, whom he probably didn't even remember. Max was probably in Idris setting fire to something by accident. That kid was something else.

Our walk took us through a well known Downworlder neighbourhood, which Alec didn't even react to. A man walked past us with horns on his forehead and Alec didn't even do as much as flinch at the sight of him. He just smiled and said hello and kept on going. Could It wasn't possible.

"Alec.....let's go this way," I took his arm and led him towards the Institute. He obliged happily. We stopped outside the church and looked up at it. To me it looked normal; lights on inside, a few Shadowhunters bustling about outside. Normal Shadowhunter things. But could he see all of it?

"What are we doing outside an old abandoned church?" Alec asked, neck craned up to look at the roof.

I guess that answers that question. "You mean you can't see what's really happening? You can't see the lights on? Or the runes on the outside of it?"

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