Little Talks

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While Alec was training, Isabelle found an opportunity to speak to Magnus privately. Magnus wasn't too keen on talking to Alec's sister, mainly because she sort of frightened him, but he also knew what she was going to talk to him about.

"How was the date?" She whispered to him.

Magnus raised an eyebrow. "....why do you want to know?"

"Come on, Magnus. Don't be like that. You can spill the beans. Alec's not even paying attention-"

"Yes I am," Alec called out from the training room. He then appeared in the doorway, bow in his hand and sweating from intense training. "I can hear everything you're saying. Can you go somewhere more quiet where I can't hear you? You're disrupting my training."

With a smile, Isabelle said, "Sorry bro," and took Magnus by the sleeve and led him away from Alec's earshot. "Keep an eye on Alec for me, will you?"

"Don't I always?" Magnus asked.

"I know. But keep a closer eye on him. He's never been in a relationship before-" She paused, her face in deep concentration. "How many relationships have you been in?"

"That's something for me to know and for you to never find out," Magnus grumbled, answering a bit too quickly.

Isabelle made a face. "Alec knows, doesn't he? You told him about your exes."

"It's not-"

"Oh my god. You don't tell people about your exes on the first date!"

Magnus rubbed his neck. "Actually, he asked me about them if that makes you feel any better. I didn't bring them up."

Isabelle laughed. "Oh ho ho. Damn, Alec. He made the first move? Didn't see that one coming. How was it? Did he freak out when you told him about all of your past lovers?"

Magnus snorted. "Seriously, Isabelle? You're asking me how it was?"

"Well yeah. You're his first boyfriend. He doesn't exactly have relationship experience. Of course I want to know. It'll help me decide whether or not you're good enough for my brother."

Of course Alec wouldn't have any relationship experience. That much he knew. He couldn't help but think about Alec's lips faltering and trying to figure out what to do next. It was endearing. "He was....calm, all things considered. He was very understanding. No complaints from me."

Isabelle squinted up at him. She looked very much like her brother when he was confused except she wasn't. This was her condescending face. "Look. I don't know if Jace already had a talk with you or not so I'll just come right out and say it anyway. If you hurt Alec, I'll hurt you. Long story short."

"Copy that," Magnus looked down at the floor. "But I would never hurt Alec. I'd rather die before I hurt him."

"That can be arranged if you screw something up," Isabelle scowled. She was absolutely terrifying when she was in protective sister mode. "All I'm saying is that you best not hurt my brother. I've grown up with Alec. I've been around him much longer than Jace has. I know him better. He's not going to recover if you were to hurt him in some way, shape or form."

Magnus crossed his arms over his chest. "You know, it's funny. People tell me all the time that Alec is sensitive which yes, I agree with. But he's not fragile. I know he isn't. He's a lot stronger than people think he is and it upsets me that they make the assumption that once he's broken, then that's it. End of Alec. He's a grown man, Isabelle. I know in his case that it's hard to believe and you probably don't want to believe it but it's true. He's 22 years old. He's an adult with very normal feelings. Sure, he might not truly understand what he's feeling but he's a person with feelings too like the rest of us. You just have to be more patient with him."

He was breathing hard when he finished talking. He could feel his pulse beating fast in every part of his body and his skin felt like it was on fire. As he stared at the Lightwood girl, Isabelle was looking back at him with an unreadable expression on her face. What was she thinking? Was she getting ready to bash his head into the wall? Alec wouldn't appreciate that. Blood all over the floor because his sister killed his boyfriend. He'd more than likely complain about the mess they made rather than Magnus' unconscious or dead body on the Institute's floor.

"I realize what you're saying. But what kind of sister would I be if I didn't want to protect my brother?" She whispered.

Magnus leaned in. He was significantly taller than Isabelle. "And I respect that. But sometimes you can't protect the ones you love from everything. You just have to let them go their own way."

"He's my brother," Isabelle whispered.

"I know," Magnus nodded.

"I'd do anything for him. And you love him," she sighed. "Don't you?"

Magnus said nothing as he opened the front door for her. "Enjoy your day, Isabelle. Alec is in good hands. He always will be."

She nodded but didn't seem too sure about that. "If you plan on going any further, ask if that's what he wants to do. It's hard to tell with him sometimes."

Magnus bowed his head. "Of course. I have nothing but respect for your brother."

Isabelle was cut off when Alec appeared beside them. "Hello there, big brother. Finished training for the day?"

Alec nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm all done. What are you guys even talking about? You got all quiet when I came around the corner."

Isabelle smiled. "Oh nothing. Just asking Magnus about Downworld affairs. Getting info about a case I'm working on. Thanks for the heads up, Magnus!"

Magnus shrugged and waved as Isabelle walked away, her heels clicking on the floor. "Your sister scares me. But don't tell her I said that."

"Your secret is safe with me. To be honest, she scares me too sometimes," Alec chuckled. "Wanna go grab a drink? I'm buying."

"Sure," said Magnus," and if you think you're getting me drunk in hopes of me telling you what your sister and I were talking about, then forget it. I have a high alcohol tolerance."

"Actually I was hoping to get you drunk enough so we'd makeout later but okay," Alec shrugged. "Besides. I kind of already know what it is that you and Izzy were talking about anyway. Tell her I'm fine. I can handle myself and whatever our relationship throws at us."

Magnus frowned. "I don't doubt that for a second. You're tough. I'm tough."

Alec beamed. "Yeah. We are. Now let's go get our drunk on. Maybe play a game of pool?"

Magnus kissed his cheek. "Sounds like a date."

Alec smiled. "It's a date."

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