Will You Still Love Me When I'm Old and Gray

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The gray hair stood out from Alec's dark head like a sore thumb. To make matters even worse, it stood out even more under the bathroom light and the more he stared at it, the more it bothered him.

"Alexander? Are you home?" Magnus called out from the front door.

Alec thought about keeping quiet and hoped Magnus would go away, but thought better of it. "In the bathroom!" He called back, quickly flicking off the light.

Magnus came in and chuckled. "What are you doing here in the dark?"

"Um....seeing what I look like in the dark?" Alec shrugged.

Magnus flicked on the light. "If you wanted to know what you looked like in the dark, all you had to do was ask. But seriously. What were you doing in here?"

Alec sighed and pointed to the spot on his head where the gray hair was. "I found a gray hair today. Didn't want you to find out about it."

Magnus plucked the hair out of Alec's head so quickly it caused the young Shadowhunter to cry out. "It's one hair, Alec. Nothing to be pressed about."

"Says the man who never got a single gray once in his life," Alec snatched the hair out of Magnus' hand and let it fall into the trash can. "You'll never have this problem so yes, I can be pressed if I want to."

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll dye my hair too when the time comes. For example," Magnus snapped his fingers and his hair changed to a gray color. "I have an entire head of gray hair now. To match yours."

"Yeah that doesn't exactly make me feel a whole lot better considering I'll still be the only one getting gray hair. Natural gray hair. Not hair color you can change just by snapping your fingers. And that's platinum, by the way. Not gray."

"Well don't get upset with me. I can change your hair color too," Magnus snapped his fingers and Alec's hair went from black to blonde. "Oh dear. Blonde's not really your color...."

Alec gripped his hair as he stared at his reflection. "Change it back. Now."

Magnus frowned. "I'm so sorry, Alec.....I'm afraid I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? You can change yours, can't you?"

"I can change mine but I can't change yours-I'm kidding! I'm only having fun! You should've seen the look on your face. You were about to murder me."

"Change my hair back to its normal color and I won't have to," Alec snapped, pleased when his hair went back to black again. "At least now we know I don't look good as a blonde."

"Yes. I'm glad we got that out of the way," Magnus rolled his eyes. "Why were you even in here anyway? Do you always check for gray hairs while I'm gone?"

Alec shrugged nonchalantly. "No. I just felt like it today. I look for wrinkles too-"

"Oh boy. This could get interesting. I should sit down for this," Magnus put the lid down on the toilet and sat on top of it. "What else do you do in the bathroom when I'm gone, Alec? Do you check for anything else?"

Alec's face turned from neutral to absolute horror. "No! Just gray hair and wrinkles! I swear! Why would I even-why would you assume-I don't check-"

Magnus raised a finger. "You don't have to explain yourself to me, Alec. I get it. You're exploring your body. You're going through changes. It's normal."

"Changes?" Alec scratched his head. "I've had the puberty talk already, Magnus. I'm 23. I left that stage years ago. And for the record, I know my body."

Magnus grinned. "So do I. Every nook and cranny."

Alec giggled as Magnus poked him. "Stop it. You're being weird."

Magnus barked out a laugh. "Me? Being weird? Says the guy who stands in the bathroom by himself-in the dark, mind you, and claims he wanted to see what he looked like in the dark. And he says I'm weird. Pfft."

They were silent for a few minutes. Chairman Meow had come in the bathroom to see what all the excitement was about. After sniffing the corner of the sink and rubbing up against Alec's legs, he strolled back out again and lid down on a patch of sunlight that was on the floor in the hallway.

"Is there a spell for getting rid of wrinkles?" Alec asked.

Magnus shrugged. "Yeah. Botox."

"I'm being serious. Is there? How do you keep yourself looking so.....young?"

"It's called immortality. It's not on the market yet but when it does....in a few years you'll be working for me," Magnus chuckled. When he saw that Alec didn't look pleased, he sighed. "Sorry. I know you're being serious. I just like to yank your chain sometimes. To answer your question.....no. There's no spell for aging. None that I know of. That doesn't mean there isn't one out there."

Alec tapped the sink with a finger. "Let's say if you did find one. Would you ever use it?"

Magnus stared at his boyfriend, knowing exactly what he was asking. "Depends.....who am I using it on?"

Alec was silent. Magnus could tell he was nervous. He kept rubbing his fingers and shuffling his feet as he tried to find an answer to the question.

"What if I said I wanted the spell to be used on me?" Alec finally said.

"I'd tell you no. There's no way I'm casting a spell like that on you. There's no need."

"Oh. So you're going to stay young and beautiful while I'm going to get old and wrinkly? Will you still love me?"

Magnus cocked his head to one side. "Love you?"

Alec flushed. "When I'm old and gray?"

Magnus pressed his body up against Alec's, kissing his chin. "Yes. Just because you've aged doesn't mean my love for you is any less. I'll always love you for who you are, Alec. Regardless of how old you are. Look at me. I'm pretty old and you love me the same."

Alec shrugged. "I suppose you're right..."

"I'm always right. Now stop your worrying. You're going to get premature wrinkles," Magnus grinned. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to that gray color. I looked good with that."



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