Counting Scars

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Magnus truly believed that Alec had the most beautiful skin in the world. Pale and smooth and every inch of it pure muscle, he was a sight to behold. What's even better was that Alec was all his to hold and touch. No one else's. Just his.

He watched as Alec drew an iratze on his skin. "What happened to you? Demon attack?"

Alec hissed in pain. "No. A chihuahua bit me when I jumped over a fence. Nasty little rat got a good chunk out of me too...."

Magnus watched the skin heal over as the iratze took effect, leaving behind a scar on Alec's skin. "Is there a rune that heals scars?"

Alec shook his head. "No. Shadowhunters bear their scars like trophies. Each one is carried with pride and tells a story of how we survived. So even if there was one, we'd never use it."

"I see. Not that I don't like scars or anything. I do. They're beautiful. Shows that you're a fighter....." Magnus stared as Alec slipped out of his torn shirt and reached into the dresser for another. "Wait a second. Not so fast, Alexander. Sit down. I want to know the story of all your scars."

Alec chuckled. "You'd be here a while. I have a lot of scars...."

"Emotional or physical? Because I can understand both," Magnus gave him a small smile. "I have all the time in the world."

Alec sat down on the edge of the bed, Magnus sitting behind him. He felt a warm finger move down over his back, and instant goosebumps formed on his skin.

"Fascinating....they're all different shapes and sizes. Tell me about them," Magnus whispered in Alec's ear.

Alec chuckled. "What, do you have a scar kink or something? Fine. I'll tell you what they all are." He reached over his left shoulder and touched one. "Raum demon when Jace and I were out on a mission. One of its suckers pierced my gear and got hold of my shoulder. Hurt like crazy."

Magnus felt the circular scar with a finger. It felt bumpy like a Raum demon's needle like teeth. "I can't stand Raum demons. Scum of the demon world, they are."

"You think they're bad? Look at the one on my lower back."

Magnus did as he was told. His face flushed red when Alec's back flexed and his lower back revealed two small dimples. "What happened with this one?"

"Shax demon. I had to get operated on as quickly as possible to check for their eggs inside me. Luckily, the Silent Brothers didn't find any. I was only 14 at the time."

Magnus clicked his tongue. "So young to have seen so much darkness...." He leaned forward and kissed another scar on Alec's shoulder. "What about this one?"

Alec shrugged. "Training accident. Dodged one of Jace's blows at the wrong time. His blade nicked me in the shoulder. He was only 12 at the time and it was our first training session together. I was 14. I started to cry because it stung so much. Jace just put a hand over my mouth and drew an iratze on me. He never said a word as he did it. When the cut healed, he pulled me to my feet and said 'Let's go. Again. On your feet' like he was some sort of commander or something."

Magnus nodded. "That makes sense. Jace always was the perfect little soldier."

Alec snorted. "Everyone loves Jace. Doesn't matter what he does, he can do no wrong in their eyes. He's the perfect Shadowhunter. Whereas me...always following the rules. Making sure the law is the law. Yet I'm the failure in the family."

"Alexander, you are not a failure. You are Alec Lightwood. You followed your heart. How many Shadowhunters do you know followed their hearts and live happy lives? Hmm?"

Alec shrugged and turned to look at Magnus. "Not many. Look, I appreciate this whole....whatever you were doing, but I have to head back to the institute. Duty calls."

Magnus held Alec's hand and moaned. "Noooo. Stay. Call in sick or something. Can you call in sick?"

Alec laughed. "This isn't a mundane office, Magnus. I can't call in sick. Shadowhunters can't get sick. We're immune to most mundane sicknesses-" He was cut off when Magnus pressed his lips together with a finger. Alec raised an eyebrow.

"Shh. You're staying the night. Work can wait, right? The world isn't going to end tomorrow."

"It could," Alec smirked as Magnus slipped off his shirt. "You never know. If I miss a day at the institute, the world could just end without me being in it for 24 hours."

Magnus smirked. "You'll still be in the world. You'll just be in mine for a while." He leaned in and kissed underneath Alec's jaw. "Besides....we have all afternoon. And evening. And night. Tell me more about your epic battles of heroism."

"You just want to see me naked, don't you?"

Magnus but his lip and smiled. "You know me so well, Alexander. So well indeed."

Fading Scars: A Series of Malec One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now