Cop A Feel

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Another prompt sent to me via Twitter. Short but sweet

Alec hated the movies. This was something Magnus couldn't wrap his head around no matter how hard he tried. There wasn't a single person on earth that hated movies....or so he thought. Alec Lightwood was something else.

"What kind of snacks do you want?" Magnus asked as he handed the ticket guy their stub.

Alec looked at him. "Snacks? There's food here?"

"Geez, Alec. Were you raised in a bomb shelter? Yes. Snacks. People like to eat while they watch movies you know."

Alec shrugged. Magnus caught a glimpse of a seraph dagger in his jacket pocket and rolled his eyes. "I don't know. Is there salad?"

Magnus nearly fell to the floor. "Salad?! Alexander. The point of the movies is that you don't eat healthy food. You pig out on the stuff that makes your teeth rot. Like chocolate. Candy. Or the universal favorite: popcorn. Which is what I'm ordering-a large popcorn, please. Extra butter."

Alec watched with childlike wonder as the popcorn machine began to pop and the kernel exploded. "Wow. That seed just blew up!"

Magnus leaned on the counter and once again rolled his eyes. "You never cease to amaze me, Alec. You've never even seen popcorn before. That's sad."

The man behind the counter eyed Alec strangely as the Shadowhunter jumped in surprise as more popcorn exploded. "Is he foreign or something? Everyone's seen and ate popcorn before."

"Not him," Magnus popped a popcorn in his mouth. "He's had a very sheltered childhood. He was taught to kill demons and things that go bump in the night."

The man behind the counter looked at Magnus like he had two heads. "Uh.....okay. Enjoy the movie."

Magnus grabbed his snacks (plural because he magically stole a few chocolate bars and some candy) and took Alec by the sleeve to drag him into the cinema.

Alec gasped at the huge screen. "Whoa. Is that what we're watching the movie on? That big screen?"

"Yup. Pick a spot. Any spot. Just not the front row. You'll be looking up the entire time and get a crick in your neck."

Alec ended up choosing a seat near the middle aisle. Naturally, he chose the outside chair (Magnus presumed it was for safety precautions. As if demons had any interest in overcrowded and overpriced movie theatres). Magnus handed him yet another magically stolen food item (another bag of popcorn) and a bottle of water.

"I hope you like Ghostbusters. I heard the gender bend is amazing in the new movie," Magnus glanced at Alec. "Of course you haven't seen Ghostbusters. Long story short, they fight ghosts. Kind of like Shadowhunters. Except they use vacuum cleaners to suck up the ghosts."

Alec popped a popcorn in his mouth. "No idea what that is but it sounds interesting enough. Before the movie starts, how many exits are there? I like to know before-"

He was cut off by a trailer that began to play on the big screen. Magnus couldn't help but smirk as he saw Alec's mouth drop open at the sight of the huge screen coming to life. It was amusing.

When the movie actually began to play, Alec was happily munching on his popcorn and laughing at the funny parts. If his fellow Shadowhunters could see him now, they'd think they were hallucinating. Alec Lightwood hardly laughed or smiled for that matter. The only time his lips ever upturned into a smile was when he was smirking at something devious or when he shared a private moment with Magnus. But never in public.

Magnus suddenly felt an urge. Not an urge to go get more food. No. This was a much deeper desire that ignited a fire in his veins. The more he suppressed these feelings the more wound up he got. His close proximity to Alec only made things worse, partially because Alec was the cause of these said urges.

Alec's long legs were spread wide apart in front of him, his foot tapping impatiently as he watched the movie. His jeans were rather well fitting; accentuating his muscular thighs but more importantly (in Magnus' opinion) the bulge in the front of his jeans.

Magnus eyed it every now and then, just dying to reach over and cup a hand over it and squeeze it gently. Just to see Alec's reaction. Of course the Shadowhunter was completely unaware that he was being stared at. He was too into the movie to even realize what Magnus was about to do next.

Magnus slowly slid a hand over the arm rest of the seat. So far so good. He crept closer to Alec's jeans. Almost there. His fingers gently felt their way over his bulge-

And he gently squeezed.

Alec jumped in surprise and popcorn flew everywhere around them. Someone from the back of the cinema shushed them in disgust.

"Magnus," Alec hissed. "Not now."

Magnus laughed. "Why not? We're in the dark. No one can see us. It's not like we're drawing attention to ourselves."

"No but you're making something else come to attention....." Alec shifted and finally placed the popcorn bag over the front of his jeans to conceal it. "Now pay attention to the movie. That's what we came here for."

Magnus grumbled under his breath but did what he was told, reverting his attention back to the big screen. "You're no fun at all. The purpose of this whole movie idea was to get away from prying eyes. Have a little adventure in the dark."

Alec rolled his eyes. "We'll have an adventure after the movie is over. Right now I want to see if they have a happy ending."

"Then you'll give me a happy ending?"

"Yes. Now shhh. It's getting good."

Not the answer Magnus was hoping for but he took what he could get.

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