It Runs In The Family

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Wanted to add myself into a fanfic as a character I'd love to play onscreen. So I created Victoria Lightwood. Also deals with some slight body shaming without directly dealing with body shaming

"Victoria's back."

"Victoria just came through the institute doors."

"Nobody's seen her for months."

"She was undercover as a mundane to expose a demon worshipping cult."

Alec's ear perked up as he heard his cousin's name being whispered through the institute. The Lightwood family wasn't very big, but some names were better known than others. Like Victoria.

Victoria Lightwood wasn't like other Shadowhunters. Everyone knew this already. But sometimes his kind often forgot that nobody is perfect. Not even Shadowhunters. They may be half angel, but they were also human as well. Not all of them were blessed with seemingly perfect looks.

"Alec!" A familiar voice called out to him. Looking up from his tablet, he saw Victoria and her head of short brown hair run towards him and embrace him in a hug. "Cousin! How long as it been?"

Alec smiled down at Victoria, who was only 5'1 compared to his 6'3. "Too long. How did the mission go? You've been gone a few months. I take it you took care of the cult."

Victoria collapsed in the chair next to them, huffing. "Mundanes. I swear, the more they meddle with stupid things they grow more stupid themselves. And of course I took care of them. Sheesh. I'm the best in my line of work. You should know that."

This was true. Victoria was an expert in going undercover and gathering information. She didn't exactly hunt demons and other Downworlders as the normal Shadowhunter job description entails. In fact, she hardly ever had to fight (but she was deadly with throwing daggers, Alec recalled). Most of her covert operations was handled with computers and shapeshifting runes. And she was good at what she did.

"Right. I keep forgetting you're better at me in everything," Alec grinned as Victoria punched his shoulder. "Have you spoken to my mother yet? She's probably looking for you now that everyone knows you're here."

"Nah. I'm avoiding her for a bit. I was told that she's still pretty livid after a certain someone walked away from ther own wedding and that they kissed a warlock...."

Alec blushed. "Who told you?"

"Izzy. That was the first thing she told me when she heard I was back. Which was literally a minute ago. It was like she couldn't wait to tell me or something. Magnus Bane? Seriously, Alec? His reputation-"

"Presides him. I know. My father said the exact same thing. You sound just like him."

Victoria shrugged. "Well my father is his brother. And we are Lightwoods does make sense. It runs in the family."

Alec opened his mouth to sass her when his mother made her way towards them, her heels clicking against the linoleum floor. "Don't look now. Trouble's coming."

"I don't have to look. I can hear her..." Victoria frowned, turning to face her aunt Maryse. "Ain't Maryse. Good to see you again. Did you miss me?"

Maryse ignored her. "I need your report, Victoria. Do you have it written up?"

Victoria snorted. "Aunt Maryse, I literally walked through that door one minute ago. I'm a Shadowhunter. Not a warlock. Speaking of warlocks, where is this Magnus Bane? I'd like to meet him. He could be my future cousin one day."

Maryse made a sound in her throat that sounded like a mix of a gasp and a moan and looked Victoria up and down, scoffing. Turning her heel, she made her way back to her office. She was clearly finished with this conversation.

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