Babysitting Alec Lightwood

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The first time Magnus Bane had met Alec was a memorable one. At the time, of course, he didn't realize this baby was going to grow up to be the man he'd eventually fall in love with. In fact, he couldn't stand Alec at all. He had no idea that the baby on his doorstep would grow up to be the gorgeous and strong six foot three Shadowhunter with a head of messy black hair and terrible sense of fashion.

"Magnus, please. We need you to watch him. Valentine has lost his mind. He's hunting down those who turned their backs on him and we can't let him get his hands on Alec."

Magnus let his eyes fall to the bundle of blankets in Maryse's arms. It shifted a little, revealing a baby boy with a shock of black hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He stared at Magnus curiously, quietly sucking his thumb, his eyes crossing when a snowflake landed on his tiny nose.

"I'm not a babysitter. Especially not for Shadowhunters. Find someone else," Magnus began to shut his door when Robert, Maryse's husband, slammed his palm against the wood, preventing Magnus from fully closing it.

"Please. It's only for a couple of hours while we negotiate for sanctuary at the institute in New York. I'm begging you. Please protect my son."

Magnus sighed heavily and looked back down at the baby boy. Alec seemed fascinated by the wind chimes dangling from the roof of the porch, reaching up to try and touch them but his tiny arm was too small.

"Fine," Magnus said rather hastily. "Bring him in. Set him down on the floor. And make sure he doesn't touch the cat. Prince of Purrsia doesn't like being touched by strangers."

The two Shadowhunters rushed inside. Magnus watched as they looked around the room carefully as if they expected Valentine to jump out at any second, but they eventually settled down once the realized the place was secure. Maryse set the blankets down on the floor near the fireplace. Alec gurgled and grabbed his toes. He was so tiny. Even Purrsia was bigger than him.

"How old is he?" Magnus asked.

"He's a year old. Almost two," Robert crouched down and let Alec hold his finger, smiling affectionately at his son.

Magnus nodded. "So I take it Valentine's plan failed? His group rebelled against him?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes. You're correct," Maryse gently ran a hand through Alec's black curls. "We escaped just in the nick of time. The Downworlders rushed into the room and began to kill everyone. Robert and I barely escaped."

Robert nodded. "Alec was in our room crying. The noise and screams probably frightened him half to death. So we gathered as many belongings as we could and came straight here, hoping you'd help us."

Magnus chuckled. "And here you are." He looked down at Alec. The baby Shadowhunter was cooing at the cat, reaching out a hand for it. Purrsia's fur was sticking straight up in the air, a paw raised and ready to swat if he needed to. "What's in it for me?"

"We'll pay you nicely for your services. My family has money," Robert nodded.

"Well, my services doesn't include babysitting but I'll make an exception this one time. Do you have the child's....necessities?"

Maryse placed a bag on the couch. "His diapers and bottles and everything else you need are in this bag. If he dozes off, he likes to cuddle with his stuffed animal. Other than that, he's a quiet boy. You'll get along just fine with him."

"I'm sure I will. I can't contain my excitement," Magnus rolled his eyes. "Now out you go. The longer you're here, the more I require for this babysitting service. I might even charge you interest."

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