Liquor In My Veins

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"Can you believe that mom actually let us have our own mundane New Year's party? Like.....who is she and what has she done to our mother?!"

It was New Year's Eve and Alec found himself sitting in Jace's living room while Isabelle was making her infamous pizza dip for the party later that evening. It was a miracle that their mother let them have their own party. He couldn't believe it either. His mom wasn't one to let them throw such a mundane custom. It almost made him uncomfortable being here in the kitchen.

"Where's Jace?" Alec asked.

"Out getting food and stuff with Clary. They should be back soon-hey, is Magnus coming? I thought you would've asked him to come to the party by now," Isabelle popped a cracker into her mouth.

No, he hadn't thought about asking Magnus to the party. He was so wrapped up in thinking about other things that he didn't even have time to ask about the party. "No. I didn't ask. Sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. No need. Just text Magnus and ask him to drop by if he's not busy. And don't forget to give him the time if he says yes."

So that's exactly what Alec did. Taking out his phone, he sent Magnus a quick text asking if he wanted to come over to the institute for a little New Year's get together. The response was almost instant.


Alec smiled down at his phone before looking up and sighing happily. He didn't even notice his sister smirking at him from the kitchen. He was just too happy to notice anything.

"Magnus said he'll be here soon. He's supplying the good liquor apparently," he sighed.

Isabelle choked in surprise. "Are you serious?! That's great! I'm so proud of you for taking initiative, Alec! Did you give him the time?"

Alec shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes. Should I change into something more....more?"

"Cool, cool. That's if you want to, of course. Or you can just leave on what you're wearing."

This was his first time ever throwing a mundane party, so this was a lot to take in. Should he wait? Should he make the party a date? Questions like these ran through his mind at warp speed and he felt himself getting sick to the stomach. He moaned, leaning forward and holding his stomach.

"Alec, are you okay?" asked Isabelle. She didn't follow up with another question. She was one of the few people who hardly ever did.

"I feel funny in stomach. Sickly....I might even throw up...." Alec took a deep breath to calm himself. "I'm nervous, Iz. I don't even know why."

Isabelle's face was serious for a moment before she slowly smiled. "I think you got the butterflies, big brother. The huge case of them, too."

"Butterflies? Is that bad, Izzy? Are butterflies bad?"

Isabelle laughed and clapped her hands together. "No! It just means you're nervous! You're nervous because you're seeing Magnus later and this is the first time you're seeing him for an entirely different reason than what you're used to. Alec-" She made her way over and kneeled down in front of him, taking his hand in hers. "You're in love, brother. You're in love for the first time and it's okay to be scared and nervous and feel a million different feelings at once. That's what love does to you."

Alec squinted. "But I don't understand why I'm so nervous. We've been on tons of dates before. This is no different."

"And that's okay too. You're going to feel a million different things and won't understand them. Magnus too. You're both going to feel a lot of things but you know what? You'll have each other to help go through them. To help understand what it is you're feeling-"

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