Northern Lights

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"If the the star at the tip of The Big Dipper leads you home, what does Orion's Belt do?"

"Keeps Orion's pants up."

Alec snickered at this as he sprawled out on the roof of Magnus' apartment. It was a clear night; perfect for stargazing. Magnus thought it would a nice date if they sat on the roof, drank wine and watched the stars together. So far, Alec was really enjoying himself.

"I know this isn't your ideal date. You're active. You like going places. Doing things. But I thought this could be different for a change. Try something new, you know?" Magnus played with Alec's fingers with his own as he spoke.

Alec nodded at Magnus' words. "No, I get what you're saying. And don't get me wrong, I love being active but this is nice too. Just you and me sitting under the night sky. Drinking expensive wine that's centuries older than I am."

Magnus laughed. "It's only 299 years old! What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing! It's delicious," Alec took a sip. "Couldn't wait another year? I hear 300 year old wines are heavenly."

"If we weren't on a date right now, I'd punch your stupid face. But I need that face kept perfect for later when I give you your surprise."

"Oh? You have a surprise for me?" Alec's eyes shone brighter than the stars. "What is it? Give me a hint. What does it start with?"

"My god, Alec. You're not a child. I'm not giving you any hints. You're just going to have to be an adult and wait."

Alec didn't seem to be paying much attention. "Can I eat it? Wear it? Use it somehow? It's a new weapon, isn't it? A new bow?"

Magnus groaned. "You're killing the vibe of this date here, Alexander. Actually, forget killing it. It's dead. Buried six feet under. Cremated. Ashes scattered in the damn wind."

Alec shook his head. "Fine. I wasn't exactly dying to know what it was anyway."

"Of course you weren't," Magnus chuckled. "Oh! Look! The Northern Lights!"

Alec looked up at the sky. Sure enough, a vast expanse of yellows and greens and reds moved across the stars like the waves of the ocean. "Huh. I thought New York was too far away from where you can usually see them? Like further north?"

"Don't be silly. You think this is a natural occurrence? I mean, you are dating a warlock after all," Magnus moved a hand and the lights in the sky followed his movements.

Alec watched, fascination clear on his face. "That's absolutely incredible. How are you even doing that? Isn't manipulating the weather against the rules with warlocks or something?"

"Oh honey. There are no rules when you're a warlock. Everything is game," Magnus moved a hand down closer to Alec, making the lights in the sky swirl around the young Shadowhunter. He smiled broadly as Alec watched the lights twirl around him with such wonder it was absolutely beautiful to witness. "My mother told me a story about the northern lights when I was a boy."

The lights reflected in Alec's eyes when he looked at Magnus. "What was it about?"

Magnus sighed. "When the world was created, the water came first. Then came the land. The people came next. The creator wanted something for mankind to look up to and be reminded there's always a beauty in the darkness so he created the northern lights. These lights represented the goodness that can come from being in the dark, and not everything that is dark is evil."

Alec brought his attention to Magnus' gently moving hand, quickly reaching up and grabbing it with his own and giving it a squeeze. "You are not evil. You are far from that. Everything about you is good and pure-much like these lights around us. You're a light in the dark. A reminder that not everything that is born from darkness is evil."

The lights swirled back up into the sky as Magnus leaned in closer to Alec. "You astound me, Alexander. You have a deep understanding of the Downworlder psyche. All we ever wanted was to be seen as equals."

Alec beamed. "Well I am dating a warlock after all."

Magnus rubbed Alec's cheek with his thumb. "True. A powerful warlock. He can shift the earth on the axis and stop time itself."

Alec's mouth was slightly gaping open. "Can you really do that? Shift the earth on its axis and stop time?"

Magnus peered at him through a lock of dark hair that fell into his eyes. "If I could, don't you think I would've done it already?"

"I don't know. Would you?"

"No. I quite like the way the earth is tilted on its axis, thank you very much. Although....." Magnus flipped over onto his stomach and gazed down at Alec's beautifully sculpted face. "If I could bottle up the stars and give them to you, I would."

Alec bit his lip to keep from snorting. "That was.....awful. Where the hell did you get that terrible line from? I hope I'm the only person you've ever used it on...."

"You didn't like it? That hurts my feelings, Alexander. It really does...."

Alec chuckled and craned his head up just enough to peck Magnus on the lips. "Sorry. It's just that I really value honesty in a relationship and that line....well honestly it was awful. Don't ever repeat it."

Magnus rolled his eyes. "I'll use whatever line I want on you. If I want to quote Shakespeare, then I damn well will quote Shakespeare. Your opinion is invalid."

"Good to know where I stand in this relationship...." Alec groaned when Magnus slowly kissed his neck. "Magnus....come on. We're missing the light show."

"No we're not. The lights will stay there for as long as I command them. It's a spell. Remember?"

Alec was about to retort when Magnus kissed him again, cutting him off completely. Instead, he gave in to the kiss, smiling as Magnus' lips moved against his.

"Stop smiling. I'm trying to kiss you," Magnus grumbled. "I can't do that unless you stop moving your mouth around all funny."

"Sorry. I can't help it. You're kissing me under the northern lights," he smiled softly up at Magnus. "What's not to smile about?"

Chuckling, Magnus slowly kissed Alec again. "You're absolutely right. I mean, I don't just summon a random northern lights show just for anyone, you know."

Alec laughed. "Of course not. I must be special."

Magnus closed his eyes and breathed out through his nose. "Of course you are, Alexander. You're more than special. You're....mine."

Alec watched as Magnus laid back down on his back beside him, then reached down and held Magnus' hand in his own, stroking it lightly with his thumb as they both watched the lights dance in the sky above them.

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