Just Like Lightning

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A phone was ringing somewhere off in the distance. Groggy with sleep, Magnus looked at his alarm. The clock read 3:18 am. Who the hell was calling him this late at night?

Not bothering to look at the caller ID, Magnus grabbed his cell from off his bedside table and answered (rather rudely but then again it was 3 am). "What do you want?"

A tiny but deep voice answered him. "Magnus?"

Magnus sat up in bed once he realized who it was. "Alec? What's wrong?"

Alec sniffed. He'd been crying. Or is crying. "Scared. Can't sleep. It's way too dark in my bedroom and I can't find my stele or my witchlight."

"Well find a flashlight," Magnus yawned.

"Please just come over."

Damn it. "Fine. I'm coming over, okay? Stay where you are. I'll bring a flashlight with me. Just don't move or plug anything in. I think the lightning storm cut the power in New York. I'm on my way."

Putting on a shirt and pants, Magnus opened a Portal. A flash of lightning lit up the sky overhead just when he stepped through and landed in Alec's room. To him, it looked beautiful. Powerful. To Alec, it was probably his worst nightmare. Something straight out of his worst fears.

A knife was suddenly pressed to his throat as he stepped into the pitch black room. Right away he knew it was Alec, reacting purely by instinct. There was an unseen threat in his room. He had to take action.

"It's just me! It's just me, Alec," Magnus raised his hands and a ball of light lit up in his hand. When he turned around, Alec was breathing heavily, knife in hand and sweat pouring off his skin. "Jesus. You're sweating like crazy....what's wrong?"

Poor Alec. When Magnus shone the the ball of light closer to Alec, even in the dark and with little light there was, Magnus could see that Alec was trembling in fear.

The Shadowhunter didn't respond. He merely flinched when another flash of lightning lit up the room.

"Alec? It's me. Let there be light,"
Magnus chuckled, wiggling his ball of light back and forth. Alec didn't crack a smile. "Are you okay? I got here as fast as I could."

Magnus sat on the bed next to Alec as he sat down but he didn't budge an inch away from his blade. He trembled again when a rumble of thunder roared above the Institute.

"Hey. It's okay. There's nothing to be scared of. I'm here now," Magnus whispered in a soft voice. "Look. I brought a flashlight and a magical glowing ball of light that never dies."

Desparate to take his mind off the storm, Alec looked up at his ceiling. The orb was glowing with a bright green color above their heads. Just by looking at it, he felt his nerves calm down a little bit. Or maybe it was how close Magnus was to him that was calming to his nerves. Not the ball of light.

They were quiet for what felt like an eternity, just listening to the thunder and watching the lightning light up the room.

"I'm sorry for calling you so late. The lightning-" Alec flinched as lightning flashed again, letting out a low whine and clutching his knife to his chest again.

"I get it. You were scared. Everyone gets scared. Even I do," Magnus said. "I got scared when you called. Thought for sure something happened. Like you were hurt....."

Alec blinked, staring at Magnus in the darkness. He couldn't really see him. Just his silhouette. But he could feel how close Magnus was to him and how warm he felt. They sat practically shoulder to shoulder, and if they got any closer Alec could almost-

"That storm really is something. I've never seen a lightning storm quite like this. Just in the summertime." Magnus turned his head to face the window, watching a streak of lightning race across the night sky. "I remember one summer when I was a young warlock-"

Alec leaned forward and pressed his lips to Magnus' ever so gently, pecking a small kiss on his lips. He thought for sure that the warlock was going to pull away in anger or break away from their locked lips.

But Magnus didn't do that.

Stunned, Magnus pulled away and stared at Alec. The light from his flashlight sat between them, illuminating Alec's face enough for Magnus to see that he was just as stunned. Letting out a sharp breath, Magnus croaked, "Alec? What was that?"

Alec shuddered. "I'm sorry. So sorry, Magnus. I didn't mean to do that. It was just the Lightning made you look so beautiful and I couldn't resist."

Magnus shook his head. "Don't be."

It was Magnus who leaned forward this time and pressed his lips against Alec's. There were no fireworks or angels singing or visions of the future when they kissed. It was just their lips and the lightning around them.

Magnus could feel his body starting to heat up the longer they kissed. He was quite surprised when Alec felt his body with his hands, squeezing Magnus' hips and groaning as Magnus accidentally grinded against him. Magnus could feel an all too familiar yet human reaction rub up against his stomach.

Unconsciously, Alec moved his hands up to hold Magnus' face. He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing. Or what he was supposed to be doing. He was just copying what he'd seen Isabelle and Jace do. Magnus didn't seem to mind.

Magnus didn't even care. Alec had an incredible mouth; his lips tasted like strawberry yogurt and toothpaste. The combination didn't sound pleasant but it certainly felt pleasant the longer Magnus moved his lips with Alec's. Alec had an incredible mouth. Plump, pink lips that he noticed Alec licking sometimes that made Magnus want to lick them himself, but quickly rid himself of the thoughts before they made matters worse.

Alec moaned softly as he felt Magnus' breath hitch. He didn't think kisses were like this. Not from what he's seen growing up. Kisses were supposed to soft and sweet. Like freshly baked cookies. These kisses were getting rough and messy. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not; his body was so confused. But he seemed to be doing okay, judging by the muffled groans Magnus was emitting into his mouth.

"Alec," Magnus groaned. He pulled away from the kiss and looked down at the space between them on the bed. "We can't be doing this."

"Why?" Alec rasped. His lower lip hurt from where Magnus was sucking on it.

Magnus groaned. "This is wrong. I'm not even supposed to be in the institute without permission. I can't....this can't be happening right now. I don't want to get in trouble. Not with anybody. Especially with you."

Alec looked down at Magnus' lips again, wanting more. "You're not going to get in trouble because you have my permission. You're my boyfriend."

Magnus exhaled sharply. "I know."

"Then let me enjoy it."

Magnus said nothing as he let Alec pull him in again, their lips pressed together just as another flash of lightning lit up the room, and nothing but the silhouettes of their kiss could be seen up on the wall and the sparks that passed between feeling just like lightning.

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