Breakfast In Bed

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Alec doesn't know how to cook. He never did learn how, unlike Isabelle who self-taught herself a thing or two and still cooks anyway even though her food tasted like garbage.

But today was different. He woke up early that morning in bed with the usual aches and pains of being a Shadowhunter. Magnus was sleeping soundly beside him on his stomach, snoring softly.

This made Alec smile. The way that the light of the sun coming in through the window gave Magnus a halo above his head, casting a golden glow in his already golden skin and messy black hair. His eyelashes cast a shadow on his cheeks, which were red from the heat coming from under the blanket. To Alec, this was perfection. This was how he wanted every morning to be. This was home.

As quietly as he could, he got up out of bed and padded down the hallway into the kitchen. The coffeemaker was already brewing a fresh batch and the smell woke Alec right up. He yawned and stretched as he waited for the coffeemaker to finish up. In the reflection of the window that overlooked the busy street below, he could see that his hair was disheveled and in a complete disarray. He didn't bother trying to flatten it. Magnus once said this look was endearing on him. Since then, he never bothered combing it.

The coffee was finished and he poured himself up a mug. As he sat down at the island, he thought about how nice it would be if he made Magnus breakfast in bed. He'd make the whole thing; eggs, bacon, toasts and even pancakes. Magnus would love it all.

Only problem is....he didn't know how to cook.

Isabelle was always the cook in the family. Even if her food tasted like sewage, she went ahead and cooked anyway regardless of the fact that no one ever ate it. He wasn't sure why she did it. All he knew was that he needed her advice. On cooking. Which was the exact thing he wanted to avoid.

He picked up his cell and dialled her number. She probably wasn't even awake yet. It was only 6:15.

Isabelle picked up on the fourth ring. "This better be important or I'll kill you when you get home."

"Good morning to you too," Alec grumbled. "I have a question for you."

She sighed heavily. "Fine. I'm listening."

Alec looked over in the direction of the bedroom and lowered his voice. "What would you make for someone if you wanted to cook them breakfast in bed?"

He heard the sheets ruffle on her end of the phone. "Alexander Gideon," she whispered, the smile on her face evident even if Alec couldn't see her. "Are you planning to do something romantic for Magnus?"

Alec flushed. "Maybe. Just answer the question, will you? I don't know when he'll wake up...."

"Well since you two are so freakin' adorable, I'll gladly forget you woke me up at 6 in the morning." She snickered. "Pancakes always works over well. With a dollop of syrup and whipped cream on top."

"Dollop? Since when did you learn what that meant?"

"Shut it. If you want my help, you'll shut up and listen. Now with these pancakes, a perfectly toasted slice of bread with butter and some bacon will win the hearts of even the meanest Downworlders. And make sure the bacon isn't flimsy. No one likes raw meat. Except werewolves...."

Alec had grabbed a pen and paper, writing down everything Isabelle was saying. "Okay. Anything else? What about drink wise?"

"Well what does Magnus like drinking? Other than alcohol that is."

Stumped, Alec scratched his head in thought. "I don't know. I've never really seen him drink anything other than alcohol."

"Hmm," Isabelle hummed. "Go with orange juice. That's a common breakfast beverage. Oh and if he has any fruit, a small bowl of it would go beautifully with what you already have."

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