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"Madzie. What a beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl," Magnus had said earlier that day when the little warlock child arrived in his loft.

Seeing Magnus for the first time spooked Madzie. She hid behind Alec, clinging to his pants leg and peering around to catch a quick look at Magnus before hiding away again.

"She's a bit shy. Maybe if you showed her your eyes, she'll warm up to you?" Alec suggested. He adjusted her pink backpack over his shoulder that contained some of her things from her old home. There was a picture of a girl on the front. He was told by Clary that the girl's name was Dora and she was an explorer. Dora the Explorer. He cringed whenever he looked into her too wide eyes. It was like she was peering into his soul.

"Good idea. No one can resist these gorgeous peepers," Magnus winked at Alec and knelt down so he wasn't so imposing to the little girl. "Hey sweetie. I'm Magnus. I won't hurt you, child. Trust me."

Madzie looked up at Alec before slowly stepping out from behind his back. The first thing she noticed was all the necklaces that Magnus wore and she pointed to one around his neck. "Pretty necklaces."

"You like my necklaces? You can have one if you'd like." Magnus reached down and removed one from over his head. "I got this one years ago during my travels in China. It's said to have protective spirits inside it. It'll do you more good than it will me."

Alec smirked as the child let Magnus slip the necklace down over her fluffy head of hair. "See? I told you he's not so bad. He's a warlock just like you are."

"Warlock? Like me?" Madzie looked up at Alec. He was so tall. Looking up at him hurt her neck but she liked looking at him. He reminded her of all the bedtime stories she was told about a warrior who protected people from the bad guys. Alec looked like a warrior to her; he had the bow and blade. Plus he was really tall and very strong.

"Just like you, button," Magnus gently tapped her on the nose with a finger. She giggled and rubbed her nose. "Want to know a secret? You have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

Madzie nodded, still scratching her tiny nose with a hand.

"Okay. Alec told me you have gills, right? I can see them. They're beautiful." Magnus chuckled as he touched her neck, the gills contracting as she squirmed and giggled. "Well I have something special about me too. I want to show you."

Alec watched as Magnus bent his head for a moment. When he raised it again, his brown eyes had gone yellow and slitted like a cat's. He thought they were stunning to look at and he never got tired of gazing into them. It wasn't very often that Magnus showed his real eyes but when he did, Alec made sure he treasured every moment he looked at them.

Madzie stared at Magnus' eyes for a minute before reaching out and touching his face. "Kitty," she whispered. "Soft kitty. Good kitty."

Magnus laughed, his voice breaking as the little girl stroked his face. "Come here, beautiful. Give me a hug." Magnus wrapped his arms around Madzie in a hug  and then lift her up into his arms. "I would love to stay and get to know you better but I have to go run a few errands."

"Where are you going?" Madzie frowned.

Magnus glanced at Alec, whose smirk couldn't get any wider on his angelic face. "Oh, just going to a few places. I have to pick up a few things. I'll come right home after that. Then you and I can play toys together and color. How does that sound?"

Fading Scars: A Series of Malec One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now