23 Kittens

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Alec loved cats. Cats meaning maybe one or two or maybe even three. But twenty three kittens was too much for him to handle. Aside from Chairman Meow (on a good day) he generally enjoyed the company of most cats.

"Alec. I swear. I didn't mean to go overboard on this whole kitten situation. I only meant to go and get cat food. But their little faces just begged me to take them home with me."

Alec watched Magnus pick up a little ball of fluff from the cardboard box at his feet and brought it up to his face, cooing as if he were holding a small child rather than a kitten. "All twenty three of them begged you to take them home? Not one of them said hey maybe this isn't such a good idea and your boyfriend could potentially get cross with you if he sees us?"

Magnus continued to play with the litter of kittens, cooing and talking in a baby voice. "Now Cleopatra, behave. You know Tybalt doesn't like when you bite his ear."

"You named them already? You've only had them for an hour!"

"And a lot can happen in an hour!" Magnus exclaimed, sounding very offended by Alec's tone of voice. "They already see me as their mother. They're depending on me, Alec. They need to be fed and loved-"

"And cleaned up after and brushed and brought to the vet for shots and checkups. Neither of us have time for that, Magnus. We're busy people. I'm a Shadowhunter. You're a warlock. It's understandable when it comes to Chairman because he's an older cat. He can pretty much take care of himself now."

Magnus held a kitten to his lips and kissed it. "But he wasn't always like that. He was a tiny little kitten too, once upon a time. I had to raise him and teach him some things. It'll be no different with these little ones."

Alec sighed heavily. "But twenty three kittens, Magnus? Really? I would've tolerated a demon or two as long as they did your bidding but this....." He indicated the box with a hand. "This is too much. We're taking them back."

Magnus snapped his fingers and Alec suddenly found himself pushed backwards and pinned to the couch by an invisible force. "You are not touching my precious babies. We're keeping them. End of conversation."

Alec, pinned to the couch, couldn't speak as Magnus lift the box of kittens in his arms and cooed at them while whispering "Daddy's not going to let that mean old man take you away. No he isn't." He struggled with trying to move but his body wouldn't budge. "Can you at least let me go?! I have things to do and places to be!" Alec felt the invisible rope disappear and he quickly got to his feet, stopping to pause when a small gray and black kitten trotted out into the living room.

"What are you looking at?" Alec grumbled. The kitten squeaked and tried to look intimidating. It was only the size of Alec's palm, so intimidation wasn't exactly it's strong point. "Come on. I'm giving you back to Magnus."

The kitten sucked on one of his fingers as he scooped it up and carried it into one of Magnus' many magical rooms. This room was made especially for cats, as Alec had discovered. It had everything a cat needed; a scratching post, hundreds of toys to keep them stimulated, litter boxes and of course, tiny beds for them to sleep on. It was a cat's paradise.

Magnus looked up when Alec entered. "Ah. I see Simba found a way to escape me. I'm surprised you didn't toss him outside with the sewer rats."

"I'm not cruel, Magnus. I know how much they mean to you-oh. It won't let go." Alec looked down at the small kitten who had unknowingly latched himself onto Alec and was sucking on his shirt and digging his tiny claws into him. "What's it doing?"

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