Little Do They Know

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Magnus sat crossed legged in a patch of grass just outside of Alicante and just a little ways away from the forest. He liked it here for many reasons. For starters, it was quiet. He could meditate here without being disturbed by cats that go by the name of Chairman Meow. As much as he loved that cat, it was damn annoying trying to meditate or do yoga with that beast around.

Secondly, he enjoyed the sunset in Idris. Untainted by tall buildings and smog from vehicles, he could enjoy the setting sun with nothing blocking the beautiful view.

Of course, the view of the sunset wasn't as nearly as beautiful as the view approaching him right now. Smiling, Magnus didn't move as a figure approached him and plopped down on the grass beside him.

"Aren't you going to open your eyes and say hi?" Alec asked him.

"I can do one of the two. Hi," Magnus smirked. "I'm meditating. Seeing if I can reach the outer limits of the mind and such."

Alec laughed. "How's that working out for you?"

"Terrible! I can't sit like this! My legs are cramping up!" Magnus unfolded his legs and groaned. "Oh god. I've been sitting like this for hours and my legs don't feel like my own anymore."

Alec waved a hand. "Come here. I'll rub your legs for you."

Magnus grinned. "My my. Aren't I lucky today. Who are you and what have you done with my Alexander?"

"Shh. I've kidnapped him and locked him away. You'll never see him again," Alec peered up from under his long lashes and smirked. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Magnus smiled broadly. Alec looked particularly handsome this evening. White t-shirt that made the marks on his skin stand out more, dark jeans that made his long legs look longer, and hair tousled from the breeze. "No reason. Just admiring my gorgeous boyfriend under the light of the sunset. Why? Am I not allowed to?"

Alec raised his hands. "Hey, I didn't say anything about not admiring me. You can admire me all you want. There's not much to admire anyway."

Magnus rolled his eyes. With a foot, he grabbed Alec's ear with his toes and tugged him forward, causing the Shadowhunter to fall forward onto his lap. "What did I tell you before about talking yourself down? What did I say?"

"Don't do it....." Alec grumbled.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

"Don't do it," Alec said a bit louder.

"Once more for the Seelie court. They didn't hear you."

"DON'T DO IT!" Alec screamed, his voice cracking.

"That's the spirit! You have to say it like you mean it. And I know you're worth more than you think you do, Alec. Much more."

Alec scoffed. "Oh yeah? And how much is that?"

Magnus leaned in closer, so close that they shared the same breath. "You're priceless."

He then kissed Alec on the lips, pulling the boy in closer by grabbing a handful of his shirt and tugging him forward. Alec didn't even flinch. He was so used to this by now that being pulled in closer by Magnus didn't even phase him anymore. In fact, Magnus firmly believed that he enjoyed it. He could feel Alec's lips turn up during the kiss, smiling against his own.

"What's so funny?" Magnus whispered.

"You have a fairy in your hair. It's licking your glitter."

Fading Scars: A Series of Malec One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now