The Morning After

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Morning after their first time. Magnus can't help but notice Alec's afterglow

"Alec? Are you awake?"

As Magnus looked over at the sleeping Shadowhunter beside him, he couldn't help but smile broadly. Alec was sound asleep on his side of the bed, one arm flung above his head on the pillow and the other resting on his stomach. He looked so young and at peace when he was asleep.

Not wanting to wake him, Magnus got up out of bed and slowly made his way into the kitchen to make some coffee. When he walked, every muscle in his body ached including muscles he didn't even know he had. Granted, he worked out everyday so he considered himself pretty fit but this ache felt different somehow. He couldn't explain it.

He's had sex before. Numerous times with many people. But sex with Alec felt different from everyone else. It felt meaningful; every movement and kiss had a purpose and every time Alec kissed him, Magnus craved more. For his first time, Alec didn't do too bad. If Magnus had to rate it, he'd give last night's experience an 8/10. He made a mental note that Alec wasn't exactly lacking in the size department as he discovered last night....

"Do I smell coffee?" A deep and raspy voice said from behind the kitchen counter. As Magnus turned around, he saw Alec standing in the kitchen doorway, rubbing his eyes sleepily and yawning. His hair stood up every which way and Magnus couldn't help but smirk at his disheveled appearance.

Magnus set two mugs on the counter. "I'm making a special brew. I have a few friends down south in Brazil that grow these incredible coffee beans that will blow your mind. It's like a dark roast but the taste is much sweeter. So how was your sleep?"

Alec sat down at the counter, wincing as he did so. "Fantastic. Best sleep I've had in ages, actually. Last night was....." He shook his head and grinned. "Incredible. You're magical in more ways than one."

"Why thank you. No one's ever told me that before," Magnus said with a smile. "I have to admit that last night was one of the best nights of my life. You made it that much more meaningful."

Alec smiled crookedly, his beautiful hazel eyes sparkling. "All my life, ever since I learned about sex, I thought it was something that you just had to do to keep the world going. I didn't think it could mean anything."

Magnus poured coffee into their mugs. "With the right person it can mean the world."

Alec nodded. "I realize that now. You made me realize that it's a whole other thing. But to be honest....I wasn't expecting to be this sore."

Magnus laughed. "Give it time. It'll get easier the second time around," he winked as Alec choked on his coffee. "What? You didn't think this was a one time thing, did you?"

"Well no-" Alec sputtered before clearing his throat. "No. I didn't. But I don't expect it to happen so soon."

Magnus shrugged. "We can do it right now if you wanted. Right here in the kitchen actually-" Magnus' eyes lit up in idea. "I've actually never had counter sex before. That should be interesting..."

Alec's eyes widened behind his coffee mug, his voice muffled as he spoke. "You're certainly full of ideas this morning...."

"Oh, I'm always full of ideas. Most of them I can't even tell you because you'd most likely die of shock," Magnus whispered. "Maybe one day I'll share one of these ideas with you?"

This made Alec smirk. "Counter sex wasn't one of them?"

Magnus leaned over the counter while looking into Alec's eyes and tucking a finger under the Shadowhunter's chin and kissing him. "Not by a long shot."

Alec laughed, his eyes crinkling around the edges. "You know...I hate to break up our little moment but I have to-"

"Go back to the institute," Magnus breathed as Alec nodded. "Right. Duty calls."

"I'm so sorry," Alec kissed him as he grabbed his shirt and jeans from the couch and pulled them on. "Can we talk more about these ideas later?"

With a smile, the warlock nodded. "Of course. Those ideas aren't going anywhere."

Alec kissed him again. "I'll see you later. I promise."

"See you later. Love y-" Magnus began, but Alec was already out the door.

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