Delivery Boy

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AU I thought of not long ago where Alec is a pizza delivery guy and delivers a pizza to Magnus' place

"Alec! Got a delivery for ya! It's in New York somewhere. Address is on the box. Don't forget our motto!"

Alec picked up the order and peered at the address. "This says Brooklyn. Not New York."

His boss glared at him. "Well, whatever the address is. I didn't look at it. You're the delivery boy, aren't you? So go do your damn job! And try to be there on time! I don't need any more of this free pizza after 20 minutes crap. This dump needs to make money somehow!"

Alec rolled his eyes and put the order in a bag, making his way out to the bike he rode around on to make his deliveries. It was easier than driving a car around the streets of New York. You'd be stuck in traffic for hours before you'd reach where you're going. The pizza would be ice by then.

He dodged a car as it tried to make a cut in the bicycle lane, the driver cursing and swearing at him. The only thing on his mind right now was making the delivery on time. Any later than 20 minutes and it was free of charge. The pizza place he worked for, Hodge's, was a somewhat popular place for mundanes (as Alec liked to call them) to get a slice of pizza. Mostly teens went there and hung out, but it was still a great place to get food.

Alec stopped in front of an apartment building. It was 4 stories high, the entire top floor lit up with flashing lights. He could hear music booming by from inside and he wondered how on earth this neighbors could sleep with that racket on the top floor.

He checked the address on the order. He was at the right place. Getting off his bike, he hid it in a bush so no one would attempt to steal it. He picked up the order from the front basket and carried it up all four flights of stairs (the elevator was out of order, much to his dismay).

Apartment 47A was alive tonight. Alec could hear the music as soon as he had  stepped into the lobby on the main floor. Now that he was on the fourth floor, his ribcage vibrated with the bass of the music. He was surprised no one was banging on the door and telling the person who owned this particular room to turn down the music.

Alec banged on the door and tried to balance the pizza boxes on one arm. "Pizza delivery! For....uh...."

As he struggled to check the address again, the door flew open and a man dressed in an extravagant suit and styled hair stood before him. Alec's jaw almost dropped when the man beamed at him, the lights coming from the room behind him flashing and revealing jewelry on his neck and fingers. His nails were painted black with glitter on them.

"Well hello. Are you here for the party?" The man asked.

Alec cleared his throat. "Uh, no. I have a delivery here for....Magnus Bane?"

The man leaned against the door and smiled. "That would be me. I was kind of hoping you'd get here late and I'd get my food for free, but now I'm kind of glad you got here on time...."

Alec blushed and looked away from Magnus' gaze. "Um....that'll be $75.70."

Magnus laughed. "Don't be shy. Come on in! Join us! It's the party of the century!"

Alec opened his mouth to protest but Magnus had already grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him inside. The music was even louder now that he was inside, making his whole body vibrate. The entire apartment was crowded with people as they danced and made out. Alec even saw them smoking weed.

"You like it?" Magnus shouted over the music.

"Like what?" Alec shouted back. Someone had grabbed the pizzas right out of his hands and opened them, the boxes now floating through the crowd as people took a slice or two.

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