Chapter 35 *PART 2*

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Me and Louis walk down to his car, his family leave early, we walk down hand in hand, Louis help me in the car, 'I hate the high heels' he say, lay to kiss my cheek, 'I know' I say smiling at him, Louis sit on his seat, drive to the Church, Louis park the car and we walk in.

Louis and I walk into the church, every one staring at me and him, I walk closer to Louis, hold in his hand tighter, he just smile at them, 'it's ok' Louis say while we sit next to his family, 'look at how cute they are' I say, Louis smile at me, 'yeah they are' he say, all of the people on the church stand up to see the bride and groom, Louis pull me in front of him, pull me closer, his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder, I smile at this, I love when he do than on front the people, 'now, you can kiss your wife' the Saint say, I smile at Louis, David and Sophia had there marred kiss, 'ohh Louis, they so cute' I say with a tears on my eyes, Louis laugh calmly at me, 'I'm pretty sour that you'll be the most beautiful bride ever' Louis whispering to me, I blush, he kiss my neck, 'believe me' he say with a sexy smile.

After the Wedding ceremonies over, all of the people walk to their cars to drive to the wedding party place, me and Louis walk to his car, we keep silent all the way to the party place, we just sit without talking, after a while, Louis park the car and we walk down to the party place, all of his relative already arrived, we walk in hand in hand, without smile or look at me, do I do something wrong? I keep asking my self, 'Louis, babe, what's wrong?' I ask Louis after we stand to had a drink, 'no thing doll' he say with a smile, without look at me, he kiss my forehead.

Me and Louis stand together with his relative, they all talking and laugh, but Louis not, he not like always he do, something wrong happen but he don't wanna to tell me, Louis walk to David, I follow him and stop him on the half way, 'Louis, please tell me, what's wrong babe?' I say with a tears on my eyes, 'oh doll, it's ok, I-I just thinking about something' he say pull me to hug, 'ok' I say, 'but please act a little normal, for me' I add, he smile and give me a kiss on the lips, I smile at him, then he walk to David.

What is the important thing that make Louis think so deep in it, he stand with the guys and talking, I keep look at him, he don't notice that, I stand a long with the girl then I walk to the tall table, pull my phone out don't know what to do, I start to ply with it, suddenly 'it will rain start, it's the slow song, OMG, that's song amazing, I love it, all the couples walk to the dance floor, but Louis don't even walk to me, I wanna cry so bad, I hold my tears, I take a deep breath, Louis walk to me with a mile on, 'hi doll' he say kissing my cheek, I smile at him, he take the glass from my hand, 'can I lead?' he say smiling at me, I nod with a light smile on my face.

Louis hold my hand and walk to the dance floor, he pull me closer to him, I place my head on his chest, his arms around me and his hands on my chest, I love the feel I got when Louis do that to me, every time, Louis start to sing with the song, whispering the words on my ear, I just close my eyes and smiling, then I start to cry, 'why are you crying now?' Louis ask pull me closer more to him, 'nothing, just you' I say, he Removes  my  tears soft fingertips, 'I just want you to stop thinking about that fucking shit that you thinking about and act like someone died, please Lou, I wanna have a good time with you, please babe' I say, he pull me for a tight hug, 'I just wanna be with you, only you, my love, my life, my everything' he say and kiss my lips, I smile at him, 'stop crying now, we ok, right?' ,'yes' I say nodded.

'I love you dolly' he say whispering into my ear, I blush, 'I love you too, thinking man' I say he smile at me, after the song over, we clap fro the other and the bride, Louis smile at me, hold my hand tighter walk outside, 'Lou, where are we going?' I ask while he pull me faster out side, 'shh, David not the only one, who have a luckily night' Louis whispering to me while he help me sit on my seat on the car, Louis jump on his seat and start drive faster, what he mean on… OMG, 'Louis , LOUIS STOP THE FUCKING CAR NOW' I scream out load, 'what?' he say, 'are you spend the time there, and be in that bad mood, thinking about this?' ,'this, no thinking about something bigger', 'Louis please tell me that you haven't been thinking about having sex, all the time on the party' he laugh, 'no silly, you can't imagine what in my mind now' he say.

We arrived his family home, I walk in with Louis hand in hand, me and Louis walk up to his room, locking the door after us, I sit on the bed taking off my shoes, Louis smile at me, while he take his jacket and shirt off, 'just take it off' he say smiling sexy at me, I start to unzip the button, Louis lay me down on the bed with a kiss on my lips, I feel in his smile through the kiss, then he move his lips to my jawline then my neck, start with a light kisses then sucking a biting on my neck, I moan but Quietly, Louis smile at my neck, 'it's ok to scream, there's no one here' Louis say, with a lust eyes, I bite my lower lip, he smile then attach my lips with a long love kisses, 'Louis, are you home?' we hear Lottie say, Louis suck on my neck, 'ahh..' I cover my mouth, I push Louis away from me, 'yes Lottie, why?' ,'nothing, we back home' she say, 'really!!' Louis yell, 'ohh, what the fuck' he add, I look at him, 'we can had sex on the home' I say with a smile, try to make him smile, he smile back.

I wear a lazy clothes and walk down to sit with Louis and his family before leave for home tomorrow, I sit next to Louis, he warps his arm's around me, pull me closer to him, I sit and smile, 'so, how much you both been dating?' Louis dad asking us, 'umm, 3 months maybe' Louis say look at me, 'no, it's 2 months and 2 weeks' I say with a smile, his dad smile at me, 'you so cute together, every body of our relative ask about you, they find you and Louis so good together' he add, Louis kiss my cheek, hi family look at us, I feel so shy, my cheeks turn red, 'oh, some one feel shy here' Louis say and kiss my cheeks, 'daddy can we talk?' Louis say for his dad, his dad nod, 'doll, get ready we'll leaving after 2 hours' Louis say for me, kiss my nose and follow his dad.

I sit a little with the girls, then I walk up to Louis bed room, getting the suitcases to leave after a little time, I wanna know so bad what Louis and his dad talking about, umm, Lou will tell me later, me and Louis take a lot of photos for us while we here, I go to my twitter to post one of them, ''just like the clouds my eyes will do the same if you walk away every day it'll rain, love ya @louis_tomlinson….xx'' I post it with a photo for me and Louis, kiss my cheek.

LOUIS P.O.V:       

I walk with my dad to his office, he sit on the couch, I lock the door and sit next to him, 'what's wrong Louis?' daddy ask, 'no, it's no thing, umm, uh, dad, what you think about lulu?' ,'she's great, I like her, she's a perfect girl' ,'thanks dad' what daddy say, make me feel happy that my family accept her, 'ok, what if I ask her for marry?' ,'what, marry ?' ,'yes, I was thinking about that since last night' ,'umm, Louis I think it's too early to know about you wanna marry her or not, you just dating her for 2 months' ,'so you say?' ,'yes, wait a little more, you'll find out that on the right time' ,'thanks dad, that's mean I have to wait' ,'not too long' ,'ok daddy, thanks' ,'no need son, but don't feel that she not good, she's amazing, but you have to know her better', 'ok dad, I'll' I say, hug my dad thanks you hug and walk out, stop by my phone, poul is calling, he say that my plane will fly home after 1 hour, I walk up to lulu on my room, she 's on the bath room, her outfit on the bed.

'doll, are you ready?' I yell, 'yes, just a minute' she yell back, I sit on the couch, see my twitter, she post a great photo for us on her profile, she walk out from the bathroom with a only towel around her body, I smile at her, 'sorry, I think you'll late under' ,'it's ok, I can take it until we get home' I say smiling, she wear her clothes, and before she wear the top, I warps my arms around her waist, kissing her neck, ' there’ll be no sunlight If I lose you, baby

There’ll be no clear skies, If I lose you, baby'

Back for me:

Louis start to sing it will rain on my ear, I blush, 'I love ya dolly, umm, there's a new nickname for you' he say, 'really, tell me' I say turn around to facing him, I wear my top,  'umm what you think about soul mate' Louis say, I look at him and smile, 'I'm your soul mate?' ,'sure, you my everything, but soul mate great' he say, I jump on his arms to hug him, 'you my soul mate too boo' I say and give him long passionate kiss on the lips, 'I love you babe, I really do' I say, he smile at me,

Louis wear his clothes and we walk down to say bye for his family, we walk to the car, drive to the airport, after a while, we were on London, before we Landed, louis call poul and told him that we on London,  



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