Part 11:Alone

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Divyam said nothing to me for at least ten minutes after I told him I went to see Jai. I had changed back into a night suit when he joined me in the bedroom, my heart was beating fast and I was worried what might happen next.

"Are you seeing him again?" he asked.

I did not say anything.

"Answer me," he demanded.


"Do you mind if I see your phone?"


"Let me see it," and he snatched my phone away from me. 

Five minutes later he gave me my phone back and he had left the room. I saw my phone to see what he saw and ... 

Jai had texted me the address of his place and not only that he had also written on what a good time he had today and that he can't wait to see me again tomorrow. 

I was dead. 

______________________________CHASING LOVE___________________________________

I had fallen asleep. I waited for Divyam to come to bed all night but he did not and I was too scared to go to him and ask him and mostly, I had no idea what to say. I had done this to him before marriage with the same guy and I  promised him not to do it again but I did it again. What face was I going to show him?

Getting up from bed and wrapping my robe around me, I went out of the bedroom and was greeted by our full time maid, Leena. She had the set the breakfast but only for one.

"Why only for one?" 

"Sir said he won't eat," she replied.


"And he asked me to give you this," she handed me a letter and left again to do her chores. 


I have no idea what to say. I know I am a bit over controlling sometimes and I drove you crazy but it is only because I love you and care about you. But even if you were angry it never gave you the right to hurt me like this. Again. 

I still love you but now I have no idea what to say or do. So I have decided to set you free. Go and find the guy you have been crazy for all these years, no one is stopping you anymore. I am gone for good. 

I love you but I can't go through this pain again. At first I thought to beat the guy up but his text said you were the one who called him up..

You are free now. The business is also completely yours. 

But I want to ask you one thing. You still believe you love him and maybe you think you are the one for him. Have you ever thought that does he feel the same way? And if in your world, he does love and care about you then why did he let you go to another guy so easily? Why a married woman had the guts to call her childhood love up but not the single guy could ever do it?

Is he ever going to love you? Because I don't want to see you get hurt. 


This was not what I expected at all. I expected him to shout at me and scream at me and call me horrible things like he always does. I expected him to threaten me that he was going to kill Jai or whatever but this is something he did for the first time.

He is actually setting me free? 

Most importantly, was I happy or sad about it?

Knowing Nehal won't pick my call up and Sanya would be no help, I had no choice but to call Ayush up.

"Yeehloww?" he said in his own accent.

I told him everything and he listened patiently.

"This is what you wanted. Be happy," he said finally after I finished.


"Go see Jai," he said.


"But what? Anidhi life is not going to do everything according to you. For years I have heard you whine about Divyam and all the problems you ever had from him and now he is letting you go and you don't sound happy."

"I am, I think."

"Then go see Jai," he insisted.

I hung up.

Still covered in shock and ... something else I was feeling but could not recognize, I yearned speaking to Nehal. Finally, I decided to dress up and see Jai. 


I was here since an hour and yet I could not find a moment alone with Jai. When he said he had a few friends over, he should have specified that his few meant about fifty. There were at least fifty people in his house warming party and he was busy socializing with everyone. I knew no one here and I had no idea what to do. I was never comfortable talking to new people and this party seemed to be going on and not even caring if I was here or not. I felt like I was invisible. 

But then he saw me and smiled and came to talk to me and I felt butterflies all over me.

"Hey, I'm glad you made it," he said with his cute smile. I always loved it.

"Me too, nice house."

"Thanks. Maybe you could design it?" He said and then laughed.

"I can actually if you want."

"Too bad, I already got a designer." 


"So you look really good. I like that you straightened your hair. It was straight yesterday, is it like a permanent thing now?" He asked excitedly. I had spirally golden brown curls ever since I was born. 

"No, just for now."



"So, why don't you drink?" He pointed towards the minibar. 

"I can't," I said hoping he would not go deep into and ask why.

"Okay." He replied. "So where is your husband?"

"We are taking a break."

"What? Oh my god, I'm sorry. Hope you guys work things out."




Suddenly a tall model like girl came over. "Hey Jai, show me the barbeque."

"Yeah, coming." He said to her and then he turned to me, "So enjoy yourself. Catch a drink and eat something. We have great wine here."

I just told him, I can't drink.

And then he went off. 

And I was here.


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