Part 23: Baby Shower

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Everything was done. Sanya and I were really worried about something that might go wrong but so far so good.

Our theme is  "A classic story book". Sanya and I and spent every free minute planning this beautiful shower. We have everything we could think of needed by a new mom. We have also invited each and every friend of Anidhi's (we stole her phone but she hardly noticed).  We had many games prepared too. One of them was designing baby clothes. What we did was take plane onesies and little baby clothes and we have laid down decorating materials for the fabrics. So all the women can design the baby clothes which Anidhi will later use for her upcoming babies. 

We have also decorated the entire garden (my backyard) with all her favorite flowers

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We have also decorated the entire garden (my backyard) with all her favorite flowers. We are using mugs as vases. These mugs are decorated by Anidhi's mom. Some of Anidhi's friends have also arranged all classic fairy tales and posters of the characters in the stories which are hanging from a wire which is adjoining two of the trees in my backyard. The entire place looks impeccable and I'm really excited for Anidhi to come join us. 

All our guests are here early. Only one missing is Anidhi but that's okay because we gave her one hour later time than we gave the guests. We wanted her to arrive when everyone was here. 

"We have a slight problem, Nehal." I hear the words I was dreading all day, from Sanya. Why is it that nothing can happen without problems? For once, I wanted things to go smoothly.


"The cake. They have sent us the wrong cake."

"It is not a Noddy themed cake with Anidhi's picture on it?"

"No. It is a bra shaped caked with Anidhi's picture on it," Sanya says clearly trying to control her laughter.

"What? How is that possible?"

"Who was in charge of the cake?"

"You were!" I say angrily. 

"Yeah, but I was busy so I gave the job to Arvind," she says, an expression of realization on her face. "ARRRVINDDDDDDDDDD," she shouts to call her fiance who was standing by the fountain. 

"Yes, baby?"

"Why do we have a bra shaped caked with Anidhi's picture on it?"

Arvind's face turns a funny red and then he bursts out laughing. "I guess they have made a mistake. I told them to prepare a bra shaped cake for my bachelor party!"

"What?" Both me and Sanya ask together. Sanya is fuming and I'm mad with rage.  I wanted my best friend's baby shower to be perfect. 

"You know what? GO GET A NODDY THEMED CAKE NOW!" Sanya orders and smacks Arvind.

"Babe, the place is two hours away from here!"

"Well, mister smarty pants why don't you tell them to keep the cake prepared so that you can get it as soon as you reach there!"

"It is extra 5000 bucks for speedy order!" 

Both me and Sanya stare him down.

"Alright," he agrees and leaves. 

"Shouldn't Anidhi be here by now?" I ask Sanya. 

"You know her. Come one the woman is carrying three kids. Let her take her time. Besides she is only five minutes later."


My phone rings and I get surprised by who is calling. "Hey."

"Hey, writer." 

"I did not expect you to call, Kapil." I say with a smile.

"I did not expect myself to call you either. However, I was wondering something really important."

"Oh, and what is that?"

"Which muffins are you eating these days?" 

I laugh remembering the day I met him at the cafe. He made me try all the muffins in the menu. 

"None. I have tried them all. I am on bagels now!"

"That's my girl," he says with a laugh. "So what are you upto right now?"

In a fit of misery and nothing to do, I tell him about the cake. He does not stop laughing for at least  two minutes. "Well, this is a great disaster."

"I am glad someone finds it amusing."

"Where are you having the shower?"

"My place."

"Okay." And he cuts the call.

"Are you gonna get off your phones? The guests are getting angsty!" Sanya interjects in the middle of  my train of thoughts concerning Kapil. I could not go shoping for Anidhi's present with Shivam as he had a meeting he couldn't cancel, so I went alone. I got Anidhi maternity clothes but as stylish as possible. So that she could be in style while pregnant. It was silly but I knew she would like it. I also hired a photographer to capture her pregnancy pictures every month and also when the baby comes. I could  not wait to show her, her presents.

I could not help but  with be filled with love. My best friend since my childhood was having her babies. I remembered how as kids we used to talk about marriage and kids, so anxious and excited about how it is all gonna be. Maybe things are not the way we wanted or planned but we should not ignore one really good thing. 

We have each other and we always will. Life is much easier to handle and go by, even when you have one person just to be silly with. One person you can talk about anything. A person  who knows all your dark and good sides, silly side and the best, and loves you anyway no matter what. A person you know you can call a month later and he or she is gonna be by your side. For me it is Anidhi. Sure we don't get along on some topics and don't understand each other at times, after all we are different people but we have learnt to love each other anyway. If that is not love, then what is? Maybe in our quest to find the love we see in movies, we ignore the love we receive everyday. 

It is high time  we all stop chasing love and let it come to us itself. 

"Hey," Anidhi says and I breathe a sigh of relief. "Sorry, I am late."

I check the watch. She is over two hours late. "What happened?" I suddenly notice her red eyes.

"Divyam and I are getting divorced."


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