Part 13: Again

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I woke up to my phone ringing non stop. I did not even check the caller ID and just swiped and said, "What?"

"Well, is that anyway to speak to your best on and off again best friend and boyfriend?"

Uh-oh. Shivam.

"You called." Nice, Nehal. Stating the obvious. You should also have just told him, I live on planet earth.

"You will always be my best friend, Shivam. No off switch on that." I added.

"But I want more, Nehal." He says softly.

"Shivam.. you.. did not want me."

"I will always want you."

"But..oh god Shivam, you are confusing me."

"So now you know what it feels like to be me." He sighed.


"Its just too messy. A lot of things completely spilled over, I know I began all of it..."

He cuts me off. "But I came over to your place the next day. I ended my own engagement. Its our fault, not just yours."

"I saw you smiling and holding her during my announcement at your engagement party. You did not move even an inch to come towards me. I made a fool out of myself and you stayed put. Your father was so rude to me but you stayed. The next day you come over to my place, tell me you love me and then try to have sex with me."

"What was I supposed to do Nehal? Leave the woman I made a commitment to just because now you are in the mood to play with me again?"

Play with him? I did not reply.

"Nehal? I'm sorry. Please."

"Don't be. Its one issue or another with us, isn't it?"

"We will get through it, baby." He says desperately.

"The only person I really should be sorry to is Anshul."

"What?" His tone changes.

"Yeah. I did not break your heart to leave you for someone else. You hurt me constantly.. you made me feel like I wasn't good enough. So yes, I wanted to be with someone who loved me just the way I am and made me feel good about myself and not the other way round."

"We had this conversation five years ago Nehal." He said angrily. "And what did I do to make you feel this way this time?"

"Nothing. I was explaining myself because you keep saying how I ended things and all. Its not like I wanted to. You hurt me."

"And you hurt me back."

"I did not know if its you I want to spend my life with." I reply reluctactly.

"Do you, now?"

"You were right though, Shivam. I need to be on my own and figure myself out."


"No, please. I'm so sorry for causing all this trouble. I need to be on my own. Bye Shivam."

"See you Nehal." And he hung up.

Two minutes later, I got a text.

And you broke my heart again.

My heart sank. Good morning to pathetic me.

After freshening up and breakfast, I decided to work on my new book.

Around noon, I got up to go get some coffee in some near by caffee. As soon, as I reached the cafe I saw Sanya there with a cup of hot chocolate and a stranger with her. The stranger got up, kissed her on her cheek and left. She was smiling gidily until she saw me.

"Hey, Nehal." She replied her face flushed.

"Who was that?"


"Someone who?"

"A friend."


"Nehal, there is a guy staring at you."

"Don't change the topic."

"He is coming over here."

"Shut up, you smart ass."

"Hey, you are Nehal right?" I turned around to face the voice. I thought Sanya was trying to distract me, she mouthed I told you so to me and I rolled my eyes at her.

The guy looked extremely familiar. He could be around 5'11, fair and muscular. He was really cute

"Maybe." I replied.

"Yes, you are." He said without any doubt.

"And you are?" I knew who he was. He used to be my neighbour but his family left when I was around thirteen. I used to have a big crush on him.

"You know who I am." He said with a smirk.

"No, but you look familiar."

"Kapil? Vivyan's brother? We used to live in your locality."

"Ohhh..Vivyan's brother? Yes yes! How are you?"

"Good." He smiled. "Listen, I have to leave but I will love to catch up. Can I get your number?"

Hot guy say what??

"Sure." I said sheepishly as he handed me his phone and I saved it. He smiled again and left. God he was a man of few words.

"Who was he? Did you just got yourself a sexy new lover?"

"No. He is not my type. Who was the one you were sharing hot chocolate and kisses with?"

"Not your type? What do you know about him?" She said rolling her eyes.

"That he is hot and he knows it."

"Those are trouble." She agreed.

"Those are trouble." I replied.

I sat down and ordered myself some coffee and she spoke again. "That was Aman. He asked me out. He was a client at my gym."

"He is cute." I say with approval.

"He is also Arvind's cousin."

I stare at her. "What? I really like him."

"You are trying to get back at Arvind for cheating, right?"

She did not reply and that was all the confirmation I needed.

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