Part 12: Extra Cheese

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Two weeks in Goa and we decided to come back. We were just not happy and it was difficult to enjoy the trip. Don't know about Sanya but I felt lonely. Too lonely to have any fun. 

Like I said, I came back from this trip with nothing but a tan.

Sanya's brother had picked us up from the airport and he dropped me off at my mother's.  

As soon as I got up I asked my mom whether someone had visited or called or anything. She refused immediately. 

But two days after coming back someone did visit and it was none other than Anidhi.

"Hey," she said softly. Her eyes looked red and I knew she had been crying. I immedaitely forgot the fight we had before I left for Goa and sat beside her. 

"Whats up?"

"Divyam left me and Jai is a jerk," and then she told me all her fight with Divyam over meeting Jai up and then Jai treating her indifferently. 

Here is the deal. Divyam did call me when I was in Goa and he had told me everything that had happened. But I did not want Anidhi to know this, she was in no state right now to make any rational decisions or have any rational thoughts. She was a pregnant woman and she was not living with the father of the baby. She needed to be strong right now. 

I always liked Divyam because he did take care of Anidhi but it was true, that he could really be extremely possessive and overbearing. 

"I don't think you ever loved Jai," I tell her while making her a cup of hot chocolate. 

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I don't know either. I don't know why you did whatever you did but right now you have to take control of your own life."

"Why are we always so confused Nehal?"

"I don't know. Let us isolate ourselves from the men in our lives right now and don't let any new one come anytime soon."

"Done," she said while taking the hot chocolate. We ate like crazies when we were together and today was one of those days. After finishing a double cheese pizza (and we ordered extra cheese in that too), Oreo shake and Strawberry ice-cream, we sat to watch a movie until we both fell asleep on the couch. 

I have never been in introvert, I could be friendly with just about anyone but it was hard for me to be comfortable around everyone. There are people who don't mind being the way they are no matter who they are with and I have always envied them. I found comfort with really less people and Anidhi was one of the rare few. 

Anidhi and Shivam. With these two I used to be just the way I want to be. There was never added pressure of being someone else, of impressing any one of them. I loved hanging out with both of them together. When I was dating Shivam, he got into an accident. I had never been to his house by then and I was too nervous to go. I asked Anidhi to come with me and she happily relented. Once we were there, it was all normal. Like three friends who had known each other all their lives. 

That was not the case, it had been only six months since I knew Shivam and Anidhi had met him a couple of times. He was bandaged with a few wounds on his feet and face, but he had a huge smile on his face on seeing us. 

"I don't think anyone is going to come in anytime soon," Anidhi said while sitting on the couch in Shivam's room while I sat on the bed beside him.

"What do you mean?" I asked completely confused. 

Confusing until I saw Shivam trying to get up with the  support of his bad shoulder. 

"What the hell are you .. doing?" I asked. But I realized what she meant and my boyfriend had realized this sooner. 

"No way!" I was not going to kiss in front of my best friend. And what if his mom came?

"Is this why you wanted me to come?" I asked in mock anger.

"No, of course not, honey!" Shivam said.

"Yes, of course, Nehal!" Anidhi answered and started laughing. 

"I can' too risky...." There was no use of me refusing because by now there was probably only a centimeter of distance between our lips and Anidhi had turned around towards the door. 

We had not met in two weeks due to our exams and it was true, it honestly felt like a month. I had made up my mind to not meet him before our exam but talking on phone made me realize he was really frustrated due to so much pain and maybe I would serve up as a good distraction.

And I wanted to see him as well.

After a minute of making out, the door opened and Anidhi quickly jumped to my side of the bed. Shivam's little brother entered the room. He was only five then and was I guess, happy to see guests in the house because after that he did not stop talking.

Not that I minded, he was too adorable but Anidhi and Shivam kept trying to distract him. 

"I can count till 100!" he told Anidhi as if he was telling her he found the solution to global warming.

"Why don't we play? Let us play hide n seek," Shivam said in fake excitement. 

"I don't want to play hide n seek. I can count till 200!" 

"What else can you do?" Anidhi asked.

"I can jump!"

"Wow, you are so talented. Jump please, jump from that corner of the room to the other one!" Anidhi encouraged him in an attempt to distract him.

"And jump with your eyes closed!" Shivam added.

All of us started laughing but the kid listened to Shivam, giving him a chance to make out for approximately 20 seconds before the kid got bored. 


After Anidhi and I got up from our nap, I told her about my flashback. 

"Sometimes, I wonder why you broke up with him. You both were clearly in love, it was visible in everything you did. Even the way you sat beside on one another."

"Come on, Anidhi. Look at us now."

"You spoilt it, Nehal."

"You think he is the one for me?"

"I don't know."

"Have I looked most happy with him?"

"I don't know."

"Then, what is so special about him?"

"He is the one with whom you were completely yourself." She said and then got up leaving me with more confusion and a sudden ache of wanting to speak to Shivam. 

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