Part 14: Whiplash

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"To our twenties," Sanya shouts in excitement, raising a toast as we party in Lemon bar, our favourite club here. We decided to forget everything for the evening and just party. Anidhi is here too even though she isn't drinking alcohol. 

"Our last pub experience sucked," I say remembering the lesbian club fiasco we had. 

"Doesn't matter, we are here, we are young and we have each other!" Sanya cries in excitement. Anidhi looks at me skeptically. Even I don't know what happened to her to lead her to this much zeal and spirit. A few days ago she was hung up on Arvind. 

"Looks like the new guy is making you happy," Anidhi says to her. 

"Looks like the new guy is making you happy," Sanya replies back mimicking Anidhi's tone. 

"Okay, how many have you had?" I ask Sanya. 

"Too many to counttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt," Sanya replies excitedly. "And I believe you should lose yourself too! You need it Momma."


"Wait, what the hell. I'm not going to take care of two drunkards!" Anidhi squeals .

"I'm not going to take care of two drunkards! Says the mean, mean pregnant lady!!" Sanya says her expression making her look hurt. 

"Okay, you are going home!" Anidhi orders and takes Sanya's hand and asking me to follow behind. Until she stops on seeing someone. 

"Hey, cheater ex boyfriend!" Sanya says to the guy just when Anidhi says, "Hi Arvind!" 

"What are you girls doing here?" Arvind asked looking over at a very drunk Sanya, visibly growing mad.

"What does it look like? We are here to pray! What about you?" I reply sarcastically. 

"Ha ha! Momma is funny!" 

"Don't call me that." And Anidhi laughs on hearing me say this.

"She is too drunk to function, I can take her home!" Arvind says to Anidhi. 

"No no, please pregnant lady, don't let the mean man touch me! He is mean! He cheats! He is very very mean! Mean mean mean!"

"We get it Sanya. He is mean." Anidhi replies looking bored. 

"I am dating your friend! Tee hee! He is so so so goooood to me! Not mean like you!" Sanya says to Arvind. 

"What is she saying?" Arvind askes me.

"I don't know." I lie 

"Me neither." Anidhi adds.

"Look at the pregnant lady and momma lying for me! They not mean like you! They love me and I love them!"

"Don't call me Momma!"

"I love you Momma!"

"Shut up!"

"Who is she dating?" 

"Now everyone knows I am pregnant."

"Ok ok guys, lets seal it for a minute." I say as soon I realize the conversation is turning to chaos. "Sanya is dating Aman. He is a friend of yours, she said."

"Damn right, I am! Tell him Momma, tell him!"

"I already did, Sanya."


Arvind just stares at all three of us and then points to the left where a bunch of guys are sitting. "Shivam and I are here with a few friends, parting. Shivam got promoted today. You can join us if you want."

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