Part 22: There Blessings Are Shooting Out Of Me

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Crazy night of being over, under and beside each other in every possible way later, eventually we fell asleep. I did not mean to sleep over but Shivam insisted so I stayed over at his place.

I woke up to him cooking breakfast, shirtless. He looked too good that I  wasn't sure  if  I wanted to devour breakfast or him first. But the grumbling in my stomach made the decision for me. 

"What are you making there?" I asked and stood beside him over the kitchen counter. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss.

"You look good in my shirt. And we have omelette  and toasts. Coffee too." 

"Nice. I'm starving," I replied. "Oh god, I completely forgot. Anidhi's baby shower is tomorrow and Sanya and I have to go shopping today! We did not buy her any present!"

Sanya has been so busy planning her engagement and I have been so busy with my work that in the midst of planning and organizing Anidhi's shower we completely forgot to buy her a present. We were already throwing the shower really late but how could we? Anidhi and Divyam had separated for awhile in between so I think her main concern wasn't a baby shower.

Anyway, everything was done and Arvind had paid for everything as he promised. Sanya is one mean fiance. 

"What time do you have to leave?" 

"I don't know. Let me call and check," I said and went to his bedroom to get my phone. 

"Hello," she said after picking up on the fifth ring. 

"Hey Sanya! We have to go present shopping remember?"

"I know, I just..Arvind's family took me to dinner yesterday and I think I have food poisoning. There blessings have been shooting out of me every twenty minutes," she said sounding really sick. "I called and checked. Everyone has food poisoning."

"Oh my god," I said. "Well, I guess you can't go."

"You think?"

We hung because she had to rush to the bathroom again and I joined Shivam for breakfast. 

"So, when do you have to leave?" He asked pouting.

"Upto me now, I guess. She caught food poisoning yesterday."

"Oh, she did too? So did Arvind."

"Remember to ask the name of the restaurant next time, so that we don't make the mistake of going over there."

"Sure thing, baby. Although they had a seven course meal so maybe not the restaurant's fault." He smiled. "So do you want  to take me instead?"

"Its baby shopping, Shivam!"

"Anything if it means I get to spend time with you."


Shivam and I decided to catch up in the evening so that we could go shopping together then.  He had to go to  work and offered to drop me home on the way but I insisted on going home myself because I really wanted to get some more coffee from the cafe near my house, alone. I had some major thinking to do. 

"Blueberry muffin and an Expresso, please." I placed my order and took a table for myself. The Baristas here give your order on your table, so that part I love. 

Shivam does not want to get married right now and I don't either. So we happen to be on the same page, right? I guess things are going well for us. I'm loving every second of our relationship. I just wish I hadn't waited so long in getting him back. It feels like I'm finally complete. Like nothing is missing anymore. 

"Is this seat taken?" 

I looked up to find who it was. "Kapil?" 

"Yeah. We keep meeting here. Is this place your favorite or something?" 

He is right. Last time I met him was when I saw Sanya here with someone. He had taken my number but he never really called. Kapil was my neighbor around five years ago and we never really spoke then. I was friends with his brother though.

I couldn't help but notice that in these five years, he totally went from hot to hotter. 

"Not my favorite but it  is near home," I replied and he sat on the empty chair beside me. Without asking, he took a big bite of my blue berry muffin. 

"Hmmm, always so good. This place has the best stuff."

"Hey! That was mine!" I said irritated.

"Let me order you another," and he signaled to the Barista to come over. "Blueberry again?"

"Yes, that is what I always have," I said crossing my arms. 

"You mean out of all  the delicious muffins this place has to offer, you go for Blueberry every time?"

"I did go for Red velvet in between but Blueberry is what I am comfortable with."

"Exactly. You won't live  your life properly unless and until you get out of your Comfort zone." He told me. "Can you bring us one of each of your muffins please?" He asked the Barista. The Barista nodded and left to get us our order. "And you won't really know what it is you really want or like unless and until you are well aware of every option the world has to offer." 

"Who is going to eat that much?"

"They have  nine muffins and we will have half of each. Deal?"

"You know you are crazy right?"

He smiled. "So I have been told. So what do you do?"

"I'm a writer," I said. "I have written two books and I'm a blogger for Women In Me." 

"Oh, my mom loves that magazine. I might check her old issues for your stuff."

"Actually, I joined their team recently so you will find my piece in this month's issue."

"Sweet. What do you write about?"


He started laughing and I got irritated. 

"What is so funny?" Noticing my annoyed expression he shut up. 

"Nothing. So what is your love life like?"

"Amazing," I smiled to myself. "Yours?"


Our muffins arrived. He took a breakfast knife and neatly divided each of them  in half causing me to laugh. He put the divided halves in my plate and then the remaining in his. "Dig in!" he ordered and I did. 

Four and a half muffins later, we had discussed and discovered a lot about each other. He was a model three years ago but he quit and became  a tour organizer. He basically arranged trips to foreign countries with sports and adventures. He had returned from Machu Picchu recently when his friend made him apply for a show in Times  channel for the job of a  host going around the world, finding adventurous places to have vacations at. Yesterday, he got a call that he was selected for the job.

"This is amazing news," I replied. "Which means I will pay for these muffins cause this is my treat to you."

"I have a better idea. Why don't you to come to dinner with me to celebrate? Two of my friends and I are going to this French restaurant tonight to celebrate. It would be amazing if you could come." 

"I would love to. But I have plans for tonight with someone." 

"Boyfriend?" He asked skeptically. 

"Yes," I said.

"How about Lunch tomorrow? I have a meeting with the producers and I will sure need a friend after that. I will call you tonight and we will set a time and place?"

"Done." I smiled and he paid for the muffins. We left the cafe and he dropped me home which was like five minutes away. 

A new friend? Not such a bad thing. 

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