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"This ain't a song for the broken-hearted "



Dozens of vampires were crowded around a small boxing ring in the middle of Marcel's compound in the French Quarter. After Elijah and Marie's angry session of sex, they realised that Hayley had been missing. Immediately, suspecting Marcel of abducting the werewolf. Klaus and Elijah, infuriated, dragged an even more pissed off Marie back into town to settle scores.

Suddenly, Klaus, Elijah who was holding a scowling Marie enter the courtyard. Klaus walks behind a female vampire and snaps her neck. The whole room goes silent.

"Good evening! I'd like a word." Klaus yells.

"What do you think you're doing?" Marcel shouts, angry.

"It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs! We've come here for the girl. Give it to us, or we kill everyone here... starting with you." Elijah replies, smirking.

"You three got a lot of nerve, coming into my home and making demands." Marcel snaps.

"Three? Please I am forced to be here. I couldn't care less about.." Marie trailed off when Elijah and Klaus glares at her, and Marie rolled her eyes and kept quiet.

"Your home, is it? " Klaus smiles fakely.

"The girl! I will not ask again." Elijah shouts, angrily.

"I assume you're talking about Hayley? Yea high, dark hair, bitchy attitude? Who is she, anyway?" Marcel asked.

"Boyfriend stealing slut." Marie added, while Elijah sighs exasperatedly.

"She's an old friend. You know how sentimental I am about old friends." Klaus smirks, while sending Marie a concerned look.

"Well, I ain't got her. And before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic, so I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave. And, imagine my surprise when I realized that the Original family of vampires had taken up residence. Your girl, Hayley, answered the door, we exchanged hellos, that was it. You don't believe me? Look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her. But the question that I'd ask is: if Hayley isn't here, then where is she?" 

Elijah and Klaus are sitting in the courtyard. Some of the vampire fighters are milling around the compound. Marie was busy chatting up one of the buffer looking vampires.

"You were born in Ibiza?" Marie flirts, twirling a strand of her blonde hair.

"Yeah, what about you?" The man asked, smiling.

"Vienna. You know you seem pretty cool, we should hang out." Marie whispers into the man's ear, which he shivered.

"Okay sweetheart, that's quite enough." Klaus rolls his eyes, and hauls Marie's desperate ass away from the vampire, who glared at Klaus. Elijah, had his fist clenched, his fingernails drawing blood.

"Not the most attractive community, are they?" Elijah says through gritted teeth.

"I beg to differ, that man was pretty cute." Marie winks at the vampire, he sends her a bashful smile.

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