v i n g t q u a t r e

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hayley marshall

  I got class like a 57 cadillac

Got all the drive but a whole lot of boom in the back


à partir d'un berceau à la tombe

Hayley, who is in the middle of labor, screams at Genevieve and Monique as they stand around her. Marie, was still knocked out cold. "AHHHH! Let go of me, you bitch!"

Klaus limps into the church and finds the witches with Hayley, who is shocked and relieved to see him. Klaus lunges toward one of the witch guards and rips his head off. Abigail and Genevieve link hands and telekinetically pin Klaus to the wall. "What did you do to Marie?"

Klaus fights against the spell pinning him to the wall, but he cannot get free. Monique and Abigail anchor the spell and go back to helping Hayley. " AHHH! "

Klaus and Hayley watch fearfully as Genevieve grabs the ceremonial athame that was used for the Harvest. Hayley continues to scream in agony and terror as Genevieve turns to address both Hayley and Klaus. "You should know this brings me no joy. I promise I'll make it quick. "

One of the witches covers Hayley's lower half with a sheet. "Let's begin, shall we?"

Hayley is still in labor, and the witches, led by Genevieve, assist Hayley in her birth. Hayley screams in agony. "I will bring hell to your family!" Klaus shouts

"One last push! Push! The baby's almost here!" Genevieve urges.

"I will bathe in rivers of your blood!" Klaus yells.

"No! No!" Hayley whimpers.

"I can see the baby!" Monique shouts in glee.

"Push! Gently! Gently!" Genevieve coaxed Hayley.

"You will die screaming!" Klaus shrieks.

Hayley, exhausted, falls backward just as the baby is born. "There!" Both Klaus and Hayley stop screaming once they see their baby. One of the witches helps cut the umbilical cord, and Genevieve wraps the baby in a blanket.

"You have a beautiful baby daughter." Genevieve smiles weakly. Hayley and Klaus stare in shock.

"We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky--" Genevieve gets cuts off by Hayley.

" --Please. Please, can I hold her?" Hayley whimpers.

Genevieve brings the baby over so Hayley can hold her. Hayley is amazed by the sight of her daughter. She looks up at Klaus and manages a small smile before kissing her daughter on the forehead. Suddenly, Monique grabs Hayley by the hair, pulls her head back, and slits her throat with the knife. Hayley gasps. Hayley falls backward, and the witches grab the baby before leaving the church. "NOOO!!!" 

As the witches leave, Monique twists her wrist, which causes Klaus to fall to the floor, weakened. He looks up at Hayley's dead body above him in horror. 

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