t r e n t e - c i n q

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la fraternité des damnés

"Would you please look at me?" Elijah snaps, annoyed, he turns around to face Marie, pinching the bridge of his nose. Marie, shakes her head like a petulant kid, and remains rooted to the ground. Elijah reaches out to grab her arm, but Marie reflexively ducks and dashes to the other end of the room. Elijah pursed his lips and looked down, ashamed.

"Everytime I look at you, I just see you with your hands around my neck, about to pop my head right off my shoulders," Marie says shakily, running a hand through her blonde hair, "I know I said I could do this but I can't. I'll be your therapist, but I can't be anything else right now, not right now." 

Marie, Elijah and Cami are sitting in the living room, where Marie and Cami are trying to help him deal with the after-effects of Esther's torture, Elijah eyes Marie sadly, Marie deftly avoids his intense gaze and flips through her notes. "Our goal here is to confront your subconscious. An element of my thesis is on suppression of past trauma and how it can manifest in a barren and often violent behavior." Marie explains before Cami nods.

"You know, I believe it was 1897 when a dear friend of mine-- let's just call him the godfather of modern psychoanalysis-- mentioned something similar to me over tea in a Viennese café." Elijah smiles sarcastically, while Marie smiles fondly at the memory of her old friend, Sigmund Freud.

"Are you name-dropping Freud right now?" Cami giggles, before Elijah shrugs noncomittantly and smiles lazily, "Okay, here's something I know that even Freud didn't."

"Oh, do tell!" Elijah laughs.

"What it feels like when someone takes away your deepest, ugliest pain without your consent." Cami continues, while Elijah's smile falls as he soon realizes where Cami's going, Marie purses her lips, satisfied that the therapy was working. "It is both a blessed relief and a complete violation. Sound familiar?"

"Good job Camille, we're finally getting somewhere." Marie smiles, and turns to Elijah stoically, "Good. Let's start with what you've referred to as the "red door.""

"That's an image from my past. My youth. It was a door to a slaughterhouse. Sometimes it appears to me in, uh--" Elijah replies quietly, while he gestures his hands to search for a better word, "- in flashes. A memory, but it's also a metaphor. It's a place where unspeakable deeds dwell in darkness."

"And have there been many?" Cami asked, raising an eyebrow as she jotted down notes in her notebook.

Elijah, who is getting anxious, stands to his feet and starts to pace in front of the room, "Oh, Camille, you know I'm no stranger to violence. Typically, however, I am possessed of a, uh, certain... control."He runs his fingers across the mantel over the fireplace before sighing and continuing on, " However, now and then, I can be consumed with chaos. And, untethered from that control... this is where the deeds are concealed. Behind that door."

"Why that particular door?" Marie asked, passively.

"This is where the first woman I ever loved told me she loved me in return." Elijah states, while Marie smiles but masks it with a stone-cold expression, "It's also where I laid her body after I took her life."

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