t r e n t e - s e p t

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first of all, thank you so much for the nominations for TVD and TO Fanfiction awards 2016, if you haven't already, head on over to TVDCommunity's and @TOCommunity's Fanfiction awards 2016 to nominate Bow Down for the appropriate categories! Thank you for all the support, you guys are legendary and I love you so much!


Je t'aime, au revoir

The sky was dark, the only light that could be seen was the lights of the SUV and the twinkling stars piercing the dark night, Marie pulled her blazer closer to her torso as she paced back and forth, worrying about Elijah and the blaze that blew up the safe house that they were residing in. "Fuck." Marie mutters

"What?" Cami hisses, as she turns to face the former Queen.

"My handbag was in the house, oh god, Camille it costs $5000!" Marie whines, and kicks the tyre of their black Range Rover.

"Seriously? For God's sakes Marie, a house just blew up and you care about your Bottega?" Camille shrieks, disrupting the silence of the country night.

"It was expensive, and this time I paid for the damn bag." Marie grumbles, just as her phone screen blacks out, signalling that her battery went flat. "My phone just died, call Elijah again." Marie instructs as she throws a quarter to Cami to slot into the payphone. Cami rolls her eyes and runs into an abandoned, run-down garage. There was an old Mustang parked in the middle of the warehouse, but it seemed deserted. Marie picks a crying Hope up and sings softly to the young girl. Cami walks shakily up to the payphone, suddenly Marie hears a loud noise and turns around to find Cami standing over her change on the ground.

Marie rolls her eyes, just as Cami grumbles, "Damn it." Hope starts to cry even louder, "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry. You're being so brave, the least I can do is watch my--"

Marie signals for Cami to shut up, when she picks up a metallic noise nearby, both Marie and Cami freeze, Marie gulps nervously and confidently shouts out into the dark," Whoever's out there, if you try anything, I will gouge out your eyes!"

She pants nervously before hearing a voice behind her. It's Elijah, whose clothes are burnt in places and whose body is covered in ash, but he is otherwise unscathed, "Actually, my love, that's probably not necessary." Elijah stops when he realizes what he called Marie and looks away. Marie brightens up and screams happily.

"Oh thank God, oh praise Jesus, you are alright." Marie squeals before running up to Elijah, instinctively pressing her lips against his, their lips mould together in perfect synchronisation. Suddenly, Cami clears her throat, and the two seperate awkwardly.

He reaches his hand out to her to communicate that she should come over to him quickly. As she does, she looks at him with panic in her eyes, while Marie stood on the side awkwardly realising that she just made out with her ex boyfriend, "What the hell happened back there?"

Elijah quickly but gently ushers the girls to the SUV, " That's a discussion for the car." He checks to make sure no one is watching them as they get into the car before circling around to the driver's seat, "Let's move!"

The ballroom of the compound is full of decorators and caterers who are setting up for the impending wedding. Jackson has just arrived, and he and Hayley walk around and take it all in. "Ohhhh, I so do not belong in your world." Jackson chuckles.

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