chapter 2: scammer

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The next day, Taehyung waited in the hallway for Joy to pass by. When he saw her coming his way, eyes busy reviewing notecards, he smirked and stepped out of his hiding place. He walked into Joy, purposely making her drop all of her notecards on the floor.

"Oh no," Joy mumbled, bending down to pick everything up.

"Hey, sorry about that. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going." Taehyung knelt down and helped Joy.

"No no it's fine. I wasn't looking either."

"Hey, you're the girl from yesterday. Joy, right?"

When Joy finally looked up, she was surprised to see that it was Taehyung helping her pick up her things. She still didn't forget that she witnessed him change his grade and make her swear not to tell anyone.


"I'm Taehyung." He smiled and held out his hand. She hesitantly shook it. He then continued to hold her hand and help her up, which Joy thought to be a very nice gesture.

"Uh well thanks for helping me, but I'm going to go to class now." She tried to walk around him, but he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Can I walk you there?"

"Uh really? Well...sure, if your class is in the same direction?"

Joy had to admit, it was quite intimidating walking side by side with Taehyung. He was very good looking, everyone knew it, and even the way he walked with so much confidence was attractive.


Joy realized that she was too busy admiring his side profile that she didn't notice Taehyung was talking to her. "Huh? I'm sorry?"

"I said 'will you be helping out in the office again today?'"

"Oh," Joy nodded, "Yes I will be."

"Great. I'll see you after school then," He stopped in front of a door and it was Joy's classroom. He opened the door for her and waited for her to walk in before he left.

"Mhm," Joy nodded again, unable to say anything.

"And maybe when we're done, we can do something afterwards. See you." Taehyung gave a wink and then left for his class.

Joy unconsciously smiled to herself as she went to her seat.

Sowon and Jungkook exchanged weird looks and tapped Joy's shoulder. "Was that Taehyung?"

"Uh yeah it was." Joy answered shyly.

"Ugh. Isn't he like really rude though? Why did he walk you to class?" Sowon asked.

"Well I don't really think he's rude. We work together in the office after school so he was just talking to me before class."

"I don't like him," Jungkook said bitterly, "Guys that good looking are always bad news."

[after school]

"After alphabetizing the papers, you two can go. I'm surprised that you're such a hardworker, Taehyung. I think with Joy around, she's being a good influence on you." The principal said with praise.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, but Joy nudged him, giving him sweet smile. He returned it with a forced sneer of his own. Taehyung rubbed his cheeks in annoyance, he wasn't used to smiling and the entire time he had to plaster on fake smiles for Joy.

"Oh god, I'm glad to get out of there." Taehyung muttered once he stepped outside.

"Well you were a lot of help today, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow." Joy waved and started walking ahead of Taehyung.

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