chapter 21: don't forget

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[Taehyung's POV]

On my way home, I guess you could say I was still a little shaken up. I mean, we finally paid off the debt. I knew that I handled that situation in the worst way possible, but now I no longer have to go behind Joy's back. Now all that's left is telling her the truth...

No you can't tell her

Wtf you have to tell her

If you tell her she's probably gonna sue you or even kill you

Am I supposed to keep this a secret forever???

It's either you tell her and she'll break up with you, or you never tell her but eventually she find out and she will still break up with you

Ok I had enough of fighting with my own thoughts today.

When I saw Joy at school the next day, she asked me if I wanted to attend her parents' party this weekend as her date. I didn't hesitate to say yes. Technically it would be our first real date since I wasn't being serious with her in the past. She said she was excited and I guess you could say that I was too. Joon left the house early this morning so I didn't get to tell him about paying off the debt. I'm sure he will be ecstatic once he finds out that we're done.

It was already Friday, the week had gone by fast. For once it felt like a normal week and I didn't have to stress out about anything. Joy headed home with Sowon today, so I was just going by myself.

I was driving my motorcycle into the driveway, when I saw an unfamiliar car parked next to my house. I quickly took my keys out and fast walked towards the door when I heard the slamming of a car door and an unwanted voice called my name.

My heart almost stopped and prevented me from turning around. I slowly faced the voice and there was Namjoon standing right there.

"You look surprised to see me." He said calmly while crossing his arms.

"What are you doing here? Leave us alone already."

He chuckled and took a step forward. "I hope you didn't think I was actually serious when I said you were done paying off the debt, did you."

My eyes widened and dropped my helmet on the ground. He didn't just say what I thought he said... "Don't tell me you were joking..."

"Sorry, I was," All he gave was a shrug, "Your dad was in so much debt, you couldn't have possibly paid it all back in that short amount of time. Oh, don't be sad. Like I said, it was just a joke."

"Yeah for you! Why did you go and make me think that it was all over?!"

"So I can see that kind of reaction when I tell you otherwise. It's quite amusing. Anyway, joke's over and you still have to pay us back. I'm getting impatient having to wait so long."

I huffed as I reached into my backpack and took out my wallet. "I get paid at the end of the month so I can give you this much for now...I guess I can just pay you twice a month once I get my check and then I can--"

"I already said I'm getting impatient. Don't make me wait any longer, come up with the money fast."

"I can't."

"Yes you can. You had your girlfriend help you the last time right? Just ask for a liiiitle more help."

"Namjoon. What are you doing here?" My brother finally arrived back and ran in the middle of me and Namjoon. He even pushed me back and covered me.

"Just paying you guys a visit." Namjoon smile slyly and looked at me, "You can tell your brother what I told you." He saluted with two fingers and left.

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