chapter 13: type

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"Sowon, Taehyung is acting a little different today." Joy confided in her best friend before class started. After seeing Taehyung leave with Hyemin, Joy couldn't help but feel uneasy. "I think he's losing interest in me."

"Well you know, Taehyung is that type of guy." Sowon replied nonchalantly.

"What type...?"

"Kim Taehyung is the kind of guy who gets tired of girls easily. If he already has a girl wrapped around his finger--aka you--it's no longer fun for him."

"Why would guys act like that."

"Because guys are stupid. Even Jungkook's stupid some times."

During the ten minute break between classes, Joy and Sowon walked in the hallway and happened to pass Taehyun's class, which had its door left open. While passing by, Joy happened to see Hyemin sitting on Taehyung's desk and he sat back, looking like he didn't mind at all.

Joy glared when she saw Taehyung whisper something into Hyemin's ear and continued to walk down the hallway, determined to not let it bother her.

After school Taehyung waited outside of Joy's classroom. He thought that he gave Joy enough time to think about what she did. She would probably be begging to get his attention again.

When the bell rang, the class was dismissed but Joy walked right out the door with Sowon and Jungkook, engulfed in a conversation with the two. Taehyung propped himself off the wall slowly when Joy didn't acknowledge him so he followed her to her locker where he saw Jimin and a few other friends waiting. He didn't recognize the two other guys that were waiting with Jimin and they also weren't wearing the school uniforms.

The girls greeted the guys with friendly hugs, which Jungkook was indifferent to, as he pulled Sowon back. "Please refrain from having your hands all over my girlfriend--but go ahead and hug Joy."

The guys laughed at Jungkook's protective demeanor which they weren't used to seeing.

"Joy you've grown up so much in one year, but you're still so cute." One of the guys beamed as he squeezed Joy into a hug.

Watching from afar, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, still unsure of who the other guys were.

"Alright Hoseok don't kill her." Jimin pried Hoseok's arms from Joy who didn't mind the hug at all. In fact she was just giggling.

"No need to act like the protective boyfriend, she's all yours." Hoseok lightly pushed Joy into Jimin and the two both had red faces.

"We're not together," Jimin put his hands up in defense, "She has a boyfriend already."

Taehyung smirked waited for Joy to confirm that she was already taken.

"Do you hear that Yoongi? Baby Joy has a boyfriend." Hoseok nudged the boy next to him and they both teased Joy.

"Who's your boyfriend?" Yoongi asked.

"Ah it doesn't matter, let's just go now. We haven't hung out since you guys graduated." Joy brushed off the topic easily and everyone agreed and headed towards the exit as a group.

Taehyung was surprised that Joy didn't take the opportunity to talk about him and he was also surprised that Joy was leaving without telling him. Joy was in the back of the group so Taehyung was able to pull her back without anyone noticing.

"Where are you going?"

"My friends are visiting from university. I'm hanging out with them today." Joy answered, releasing her arm from Taehyung's hold.

"You didn't tell me earlier that you were going to do something today."

"I have a life you know." Joy said, using Taehyung's words against him, "I don't have to go home with you every single day. Hyemin is right there, maybe you two should work on your project together."

"Umm I guess?"

Joy nodded and turned around to get back to her group of friends.

"I'll text you later, Joy." Taehyung called out.

"I might be busy." Joy said, looking over her shoulder and right after, ran to catch up with her group.

Taehyung watched astonished as Joy left and linked arms with one of her university friends.

"Fuck fuck fuck." He gritted his teeth as he punched a locker. "My plan isn't working."

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