chapter 22: elated

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"What did you get?" Joon asked me once I arrived home from the party. I glared at him as I took my shoes off and walked to the living room.

I rubbed the back of my neck and tossed my phone onto Joon's lap. "I have their credit card numbers."

In no time, Joon started entering the numbers into his laptop. I had no idea what he was doing, but he was typing and clicking his mouse non-stop. I looked over his shoulder and saw that he had bank information opened up on one of his tabs.

I sat quietly and saw that he clicked "withdraw" and took out a certain amount of money from the account. I placed my hand over his to stop him from doing anything further. "Wait, stop. Can't they see that it's being transferred to your account??"

"Nope. I encrypted a shit load of codes and passwords so they won't be able to trace it back to us."

I clenched my hand on my head and was almost pulling out my hair as I watched Joon electronically transfer the money to the creditors. Once he finished I got a call.

"See? I knew you guys would be able to get us the money fast." Namjoon's voice uttered.

I hung up immediately and just blocked the number that was labeled as "unknown" on the caller ID. I did not want to receive calls from him any longer.

I just wanted this day to be over. It was supposed to be a fun night that I could spend with Joy. Right before I went to sleep, she texted me.

Good night. Sweet dreams <3

I stared at the text feeling extremely guilty and locked my phone, placing it on my nightstand  before turning off the lights. But then I just grabbed my phone again and texted her back.

Good night. I love you

I pressed send but regretted it once I did. I never told her that in person, I don't know if it's weird to say it through text first. Either way, I still wasn't able to get a good sleep because I have too many things on my mind and my brain won't shut the fuck up.


I was at my locker when a pair of arms hugged my waist and a body was pressed against my back. "I hope this is Joy, or else it would be awkward..."

"Good morning, Taehyung," Joy held onto my waist as I took stuff out of my locker and didn't let go until I closed it.

When I turned around to give her a good morning kiss, but I noticed her face looking a little down. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Something bad happened this weekend," She pouted and took my hand in hers. "My dad found out that someone hacked into our bank account."

I froze.

I tried to recompose myself and continue walking. "How did you guys find out?"

"Well my parents first started to notice that some money was missing from the house, they thought maybe they misplaced it or something, so they changed all the hiding spots, but  being really paranoid, my dad called our bankers for them to check our accounts if there was any money missing. And good thing my dad checked because the bank said they used this new software that allows them to find suspicious activity in accounts. They found out that so much money was withdrawn recently in one time, and neither of my parents withdrew it. But we still don't know how someone was able to hack in."

"Oh...I'm sorry that happened..."

Joy continued talking, but I wasn't exactly sure what she said. This was not supposed to happen...But she said they don't know who took the money, so they don't have any leads.

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