chapter 4: skipping

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The next day, I walked to school even though my dad insists that he should get me a driver. It took me a while to convince him that I can just walk to school like I did for most of my life.

"Hey, you need a ride?"

I look towards the street and a motorcycle was driving slowly near me. "Taehyung!"

"Hop on." He tossed me a helmet and I willingly went to the back of his motorcycle. "Hey, is there anything important going on in school today?"

"Um, it's just the normal stuff."

"Cool. Let's skip."

"Wait what? Taehyung, we can't just skip."

"Why not? You said nothing's going on anyway. C'mon let's have some fun together."


"Is it ok to go somewhere so public?" I asked as we walked out in the open city.

"Yeah, just enjoy yourself. I've been wanting to take you out." He looked at me and I looked back. I've never met someone as forward as him . "So what do you say to spending the whole day together?"

"Um yeah sure? I mean I guess I uh."  I was seriously at a loss for words, "Taehyung, there are plently of other girls at school, why are you giving me this special treatment?"

He simply shrugged, "I don't care about the other girls at school, I'm interested in you, that's why I want to hang out with you."

[3rd Person]

Ever since that minor confession, Joy started to feel...well it was sort of indescribable. One thing was that it was so sudden and unexpected coming from Kim Taehyung. But of course, it made her feel special.

Everything that he has done for her lately has made her feel special and she was beginning to develop a small crush on him.

Taehyung on the other hand, assumed that Joy has never experienced these type of interactions before, so a simple thing like opening the door for her would make her swoon. He didn't pull out all his tricks for this first date plan because he knew he wouldn't need them.

The two were crossing over a bridge and Joy leaned over to see the fish that were swimming in the water underneath them. Not bothering to look down, Taehyung leaned his back against the railing and watched the people passing on the bridge.

A girl around his age strutted by and Taehyung made sure to make eye contact with her, even giving her a seductive smile as she passed him. He continued to stare at her from behind as she walked away.

"Sorry, I wanted to take a picture of the fish." Joy apologized, showing the photo she captured on her phone.

Taehyung lifted his shoulders, he didn't care about what Joy was doing.

He changed his personality and snuggly slung his arm around Joy's shoulders, "So what's your favorite thing to do? I want to you to have fun and make this day memorable."

Joy blushed at his words and nodded, "Well one thing I think would be fun would be going to the zoo."

Taehyung sputtered out a laugh and restrained himself from rolling his eyes. 'The zoo, really?'  He thought to himself. "Alright, sounds fun. Let's go."

"Sorry if you think it's a little childish." Joy said softly, squeezing the zoo map in her hand.

"It makes you happy, right? That's all I care about."

"Oh, Taehyung," Joy shyly kicked a rock that was by her foot, "You're a really sweet guy. You really surprise me."

"Yup..." Taehyung sighed. He was getting tired of acting like the nice guy, but just a little more effort and Joy would be his.

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